500meg temp file


Avast created a 517MB temp file in the C:\Windows\Temp_avast4_\ folder

Why did it create a temp file that big?

I created a thread a while back about avast creating a 1GIG temp file, so this is not the first time it has happened.

Cpu Info

Windows XP SP2 Home Edition
Avast 4.6.647 Home Edition

another pic http://img176.echo.cx/img176/2924/avast27wx.jpg

maybe tried decompress something similar to decompress bomb … ? or major archive ?

I am sure an Alwil team member will give the final word, but the format of the temporary file name looks to me as though this is the Webshield buffering http traffic for scanning.

Avast creates temporary files in the avast sub-directory of the system defined Windows temporary file space to buffer all http, nntp and email traffic (if the appropriate provider is active). It then scans the file and finally deletes the temporary file.

This probably represented a file being downloaded as part of http browsing. The file will be as big as it needs to be, according to what you are doing at the time.

Are you using any “streaming” services? It may be that some streaming http activity was being buffered.

Yeah, I’m using ‘intelligent streaming services’

Do you have any idea what it may be, possibly according to the file timestamp? (I mean, did you download some big files, or do you listen to some on-line radio… something that may generate a stream of this size?)

…I did download a 514MB rar file earlier that day, but I don’t listen to online radio.

That would be probably it (Web Shield is storing the file locally while it is being downloaded). Why the temp file was left there, however, I cannot say… normally, it should be deleted.