[6.0.1021] Safezone bug

I just noticed that when you try to clean browser data via tools-> clean browser data ( I know that there is no point doing that, but I just tried) it causes safe-browser to crash and whole safe-zone crashes too.

Yes it crashes here as well.

Windows 7 64-bit SP1

AIS 6.0.1000



I will send an email to the Sandbox Developer about this :slight_smile:

Greetz, Red.

Not needed :slight_smile:

Too late :wink:

Greetz, Red.

Yes I also have that happen but there is another way that works for now. Click on wrench in upper right corner and go to options, click on under the hood, then clear browsing data. For some reason no problem doing it this way.

Here is another way to crash SafeZone Browser: open SafeZone Browser > click on wrench in upper right corner > History > Edit items… > Clear all browsing data… > Clear browsing data > Whoa! SafeZone Browser crashed. Restart now? > OK > SafeZone Browser didn’t shut down correctly.

Same thing in new 6.0.1027 version.