[6.0.1044] BSOD and Windows Action Center

I have two problems with this particular beta:

  1. BSOD while trying to access Safe Zone.
    I’ve uploaded the dump to the ftp server: Tech.Memory. and Tech.Memory.

  2. Windows Action Center stops recognizing the firewall part.

Any help?

  1. You have enabled debug mode in sandbox/safezone driver :wink: that’s why it bluescreens if it finds something suspicious. Have you used snxConfig.exe tool to enable this option? (“Enable assertion checking”)

If you don’t remember, please look at snx_lconfig.xml file (in Data folder) and set value “0” in “AssertChecking” key.

My settings are the default.
I mean, if I click default button, nothing changes.

Something suspicious… What is that?

Indeed, unchecking that option and the computer does not BSOD.
Should I do anything else to discover/correct the “suspicious” thing?

Any info about the Windows Action Center?
Please, don’t say… an installation from scratch…

it wasn’t a serious bug - there’re lot of self-checkings in sandbox/safezone and this can be turned on/off using that assert checking. Useful for debugging or testing in beta.

Any info about the Windows Action Center? Please, don't say... an installation from scratch...

sorry, I don’t know anything about Action Center…

Would I be so happy that other avast team member take a look?

The idiotic WMI feature gets its repository broken over and over again. Not recognized any more does not necessarily mean it’s avast! issue.

I know that very well.
Any tool that rebuilt the repository automatically?
Any way to communicate with the WMI more efficiently and get antivirus/firewall detected?

By the way, now the firewall is detected… Go figure ::slight_smile:

If by tool you mean a script, that should be doable. I consider the whole feature useless, with one of reasons being that it relies on the the horribly flaky/broken WMI thing. Heck, in fact it even causes harm - tons of rogue AVs mimic the security center junk.

FixWin can reset the security center

Thanks Scott. I’ll try it next time.
If ain’t broken, don’t fix it ;D

No Problem :slight_smile:

It needs admin rights to reset security center (for when you use it ;))