You have enabled debug mode in sandbox/safezone driver that’s why it bluescreens if it finds something suspicious. Have you used snxConfig.exe tool to enable this option? (“Enable assertion checking”)
If you don’t remember, please look at snx_lconfig.xml file (in Data folder) and set value “0” in “AssertChecking” key.
it wasn’t a serious bug - there’re lot of self-checkings in sandbox/safezone and this can be turned on/off using that assert checking. Useful for debugging or testing in beta.
Any info about the Windows Action Center?
Please, don't say... an installation from scratch...
I know that very well.
Any tool that rebuilt the repository automatically?
Any way to communicate with the WMI more efficiently and get antivirus/firewall detected?
By the way, now the firewall is detected… Go figure :
If by tool you mean a script, that should be doable. I consider the whole feature useless, with one of reasons being that it relies on the the horribly flaky/broken WMI thing. Heck, in fact it even causes harm - tons of rogue AVs mimic the security center junk.