6.0.1091: WebRep Rating Pop Up graphic glitch (DE version)

Even though the wording has changed in the German version as I suggested, there still is a little glitch. It got better, but not completely resolved. Still a little cut off on top or at bottom, contents can be moved up / down when running mouse vertically over it.

Not here…???

this could be related to the hardware acceleration used in firefox 4, have you tried turning it off for testing?

edit: needs a restart of the browser

I’m seeing the same graphic glitch on English and Czech version. HW acceleration on/off has no effect. (Win7, Firefox nightly/Firefox 4)

No problems on my machine, I have the same complete picture like “Asyn”.
No difference with hardware acceleration on or off!

Asyn: your plug in uses a different font type… ???

Do you have SegoeUI.ttf installed?


Install it… I bet it will look the same then.
Comes with Win 7, Vista and all Office Versions 2007 and up…

Sorry, but I won’t install it just to see the same glitch you posted. :wink:

I had the same issue like Steven Gail. After deactivating the hardware acceleration it will be displayed right.


Tried that.
And even if it would help: I wouldn’t sacrifice hardware-acceleration just to repair such a glitch…

@Asyn: you can uninstall it again… no sweat. Plesa try, just to please me…
You can download from here: SEGOE UI
The upper download link on that page. Downloads a zip file. Unzip and you find the folder “fonts” in there. Install the two fonts and reboot. 8)

Ok, I tried.
The font is not included in the zip.
Two others were, but don’t see any need to install them.

It is not included?
It is when I download it… see screenshot.

The yellow one marked is the right one.

There’s no segoeui.ttf

Asyn, mach mich nicht rasend. ;D

seguibk.ttf = segoe ui. Mach mal Rechtsklick drauf und gehe auf “öffnen”, dann siehst du es.

Microsoft ist da anderer Meinung. :wink:

Wenn du den Font installierst, dann wird Segoe UI ttf installiert.

Was ist da eine andere Meinung? ??? ::slight_smile: ???

Font Name: Segoe UI
Family Name: Segoe UI
Version: 5.00
Other Versions: 5.01, 1.00, 0.97
Other Variants: Segoe UI Bold
Segoe UI Bold Italic
Segoe UI Italic
File Name: segoeui.ttf

Der filename ist unrelevant…

Den kannste auch in Klaus-Bärbel.ttf ändern und trotzdem wir SegoeUI installiert.

Ist mir schon klar. :wink:
Was mir nicht klar ist, ob das legal ist…?? (Sieht nicht so aus…)

Licensing Info
* Purchase & Download Segoe UI font for personal, professional or business use on workstations
* License Segoe UI font for enterprises, web developers, for hardware & software redistribution or server installations</blockquote>