Even though the wording has changed in the German version as I suggested, there still is a little glitch. It got better, but not completely resolved. Still a little cut off on top or at bottom, contents can be moved up / down when running mouse vertically over it.
Not here…???
this could be related to the hardware acceleration used in firefox 4, have you tried turning it off for testing?
edit: needs a restart of the browser
I’m seeing the same graphic glitch on English and Czech version. HW acceleration on/off has no effect. (Win7, Firefox nightly/Firefox 4)
No problems on my machine, I have the same complete picture like “Asyn”.
No difference with hardware acceleration on or off!
Asyn: your plug in uses a different font type… ???
Do you have SegoeUI.ttf installed?
Install it… I bet it will look the same then.
Comes with Win 7, Vista and all Office Versions 2007 and up…
Install it… I bet it will look the same then.
Comes with Win 7, Vista and all Office Versions 2007 and up…
Sorry, but I won’t install it just to see the same glitch you posted.
I had the same issue like Steven Gail. After deactivating the hardware acceleration it will be displayed right.
I had the same issue like Steven Gail. After deactivating the hardware acceleration it will be displayed right.
Tried that.
And even if it would help: I wouldn’t sacrifice hardware-acceleration just to repair such a glitch…
@Asyn: you can uninstall it again… no sweat. Plesa try, just to please me…
You can download from here: SEGOE UI
The upper download link on that page. Downloads a zip file. Unzip and you find the folder “fonts” in there. Install the two fonts and reboot. 8)
@Asyn: you can uninstall it again… no sweat. Plesa try, just to please me…
You can download from here: SEGOE UI
The upper download link on that page. Downloads a zip file. Unzip and you find the folder “fonts” in there. Install the two fonts and reboot. 8)
Ok, I tried.
The font is not included in the zip.
Two others were, but don’t see any need to install them.
It is not included?
It is when I download it… see screenshot.
The yellow one marked is the right one.
It is not included?
The yellow one marked is the right one.
There’s no segoeui.ttf
Asyn, mach mich nicht rasend. ;D
seguibk.ttf = segoe ui. Mach mal Rechtsklick drauf und gehe auf “öffnen”, dann siehst du es.
seguibk.ttf = segoe ui. Mach mal Rechtsklick drauf und gehe auf “öffnen”, dann siehst du es.
Microsoft ist da anderer Meinung.
Wenn du den Font installierst, dann wird Segoe UI ttf installiert.
Was ist da eine andere Meinung? ??? : ???
Was ist da eine andere Meinung? ??? :
Font Name: Segoe UI
Family Name: Segoe UI
Version: 5.00
Other Versions: 5.01, 1.00, 0.97
Other Variants: Segoe UI Bold
Segoe UI Bold Italic
Segoe UI Italic
File Name: segoeui.ttf
Der filename ist unrelevant…
Den kannste auch in Klaus-Bärbel.ttf ändern und trotzdem wir SegoeUI installiert.
Der filename ist unrelevant…
Den kannste auch in Klaus-Bärbel.ttf ändern und trotzdem wir SegoeUI installiert.
Ist mir schon klar.
Was mir nicht klar ist, ob das legal ist…?? (Sieht nicht so aus…)
Licensing Info* Purchase & Download Segoe UI font for personal, professional or business use on workstations * License Segoe UI font for enterprises, web developers, for hardware & software redistribution or server installations</blockquote>