[6.0.1203] I suspect of a memory leak...

The same sympthoms of applications crashing and blocked to save data/documents to disk were experienced by me today again.
I suspect of a memory leak in 6.0.1203.
I will be monitoring the computer with “poolmon -a” (http://public.avast.com/~kurtin/poolmon.exe) to see allocated paged/nonpaged memory by their tags (and post poolmon’s screenshot later).

If anybody finds system running “out of memory”, can follow also here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=63266.0 or http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=59738.msg504692#msg504692.

no such issue here… never happened btw, not even with 5.0 ;D … You might be on a lonely trip again tech … good luck :wink:

edit: there’s been a memory leak at a time with 5.0… but that was very brief, and solved very quickly with a new build. Nothing to do with your issues.

Hmmm… An Intel driver crashed… :frowning:

pk, HELP!
I’ve uploaded 070611-14710-01.7z to the ftp server. Thanks.