7.0.1426 Free - No Register Button

Upgraded from 6. The registration screen has only a button to insert a license file for upgrading to the paid version. Current license has 42 days remaining. I already got the new license key. Does the register button appear after 30 days remaining or something or is this abnormal? I simply installed avast_free_antivirus_setup.exe over existing my installation.

Does the register button appear after 30 days remaining or something or is this abnormal?
yepp i think so If your program is up and working then you dont have to worry......yet..... just wait and see ;)

and you dont need a license key to register avast free online

On-line registration of avast! Free Antivirus 7.x

The update to avast7 from avast6 will retain the old registration, when you get closer to the expiry/renewal date, you will get notifications and the avastUI, Maintenance, Registration section will change to allow registration as outlined in the link Pondus gave.

Thanks. We’ll see in 5 days :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.