[8.0.365.381-Beta] AEA - Crahs in Windows 8.1

We try to install avast! NetCliente (AEPSP) 8.0.1600 in a Windows 8.1 machine using a exe package generated from the AES with the mirror updated.

In the properties of the file you can see a strange version: 8.0.1490.363 (see picture) not 8.0.1600.393.

After the installation the machine doesn’t boot and we have to restore to a previous point.


You will have to wait for the automatic mirror update which will initialize installation packages, so you will be able to create a new installation package. Manual mirror update will not re-generate this container, which is normaly being used to create installation packages.
That is how the EA mirror works.

Mirror is programmed to update every 30 minutes.

The mirror is updated, automatically, a couple of hours ago.

The exe package has been created again, with the same result and version.

In some cases it can take more than 30 minutes even the mirror shows latest version.
The most important are two folders- distrib and instpackages.

Whenever you have new program version on the mirror, you have to create a new installation package and then run new deployment task which will create a new standalone setup package.

Mirror updated 4 hours ago.
New installation package created.
New “Deploymnet Task” created for the new package.

Same result, a exe file with description 8.0.1490.363 not 8.0.1600.396