9-11-2001 A Day We Should Never Forget !

The 5th anniversary is almost here.
Unfortunately, many have forgotten that terrible day.
Maybe the following will bring back some of the memories.


Maybe it will forever etch it into your mind as it has for many of us.
There are those that will never recover from that day.
There are those that try to belittle it’s meaning.
There are those of us that will never let that happen.
This is not a political statement, it’s an appreciation an a remembrance to all of those
who gave so much on that day and to all of those that lost so very much.

CNN will replay it’s broadcast of 9-11-2001 on Monday 9-11 which also happens to be Patriot Day in this country.
Remember those that lost their life that day. Remember those that gave their lives that day trying to save others and,
remember the soldiers who are still making the ultimate sacrifice to defend this World from terrorism.

You’ll need to allow the Macromedia flash player access to your system to view this presentation.

thank you bob for caring :slight_smile:
and for the link …

It seems so necessary that I respond in some way to your post, Bob, but many of the emotions I feel about this day cannot be put to words.

Yes, its terribly important to remember …

That tragic day is forever etched into mine and my familys lives. We will never forget that day.

Hi folks,

Lately I observed that the general of the avast webforum is slowly but surely being turned into an off-topic now and again. Well actually we don’t know very well where all the other things have to go. There apparently is no place for it.
We all feel the repercussions of this Fifth Anniversary (I was at work that day), “the world has lost its innocence, so to say”. What could be better news then that the Off-Topic was being returned onto us for good conduct. What do you think, Bob??


Yeah, can’t forget it definatly … I remember I was still in school, sitting around and having class while it happened … Didn’t know much of anything was up, but eventually, it was clear as the day progressed. Kinda screwed up how it has to be 911, the same number we dial for help in the US (I think that was intentional, though). Yep, Never Forget !!

Sad memory…
Nothing justify the terrorism. There is nothing that could value more than the lifes they’ve cut off…
Hope someday the justice come to the scene.

Maybe the Off Topic should come back to life…
There are more and more postings that does not relate directly to the board…
As Alwil does nothing, seems they’re not concerning with the cleaning or purity of the forum board.

Lack of interest on Alwil’s side is just showing that nothing’s gonna change… at least not in near future. And what makes everything even more sad, they are not just ignoring off-topic threads. I posted a brand new skin (aVist) for which I believe (IMHO) it’s best of all those skins created by me in the past, and no one responded to that thread yet. Are they saying something with that ? I really like simplicity of that skin, and there is nothing that could make anyone say: “…oh, it’s too media-player looking skin…”. Because it’s not… it’s just simple OS looking like window (in this case upcoming Vista). Most utilities without their own GUI will look like that in the future (because Vista will give them that window style itself), so there is nothing connected to this skin that would make someone say: “…oh, another funny, gamey, stupid looking skin for avast!”. Some could say something like that just in case they are jealous or something, because there is really no good reason for bitching over it.

Ok, I went far from the topic… but, they made me do that ;D

Yes, 9-11 tragedy will never be forgoten, and it shouldn’t be. Many people lost their lives, many children lost their fathers and mothers, many husbands lost their precious wifes, and many wifes lost their wonderful soul mates… above all, we all lost so many wonderful people, people who went to work that day, to earn some money so they can feed their families and help their communities… they were simple, ordinary people. They are victims of some crazy ideology, which by the way brought nothing good to the executors of that horrible terrorist attack… they just think they won, but deep inside their souls (if they have any), they feel low and defeated. They should feel like that, they should feel even worse. Above all, they feel left alone, because no one normal should ever be taking their side. We should never ever forget those wonderful people that lost their lives on 9-11.

Let’s not forget all those firefighters and policemans who died that day on duty. Brave or crazy to go right into burning hell, they proved human life meant something to them… something worth more than their own life, and they believed in that. We will miss them all.

God Bless Them All :slight_smile:


Use the great and unique skin of 9-11 of avast.
Great tribute of Sasha to the ones who lost their lives.
Use it in honor of them, at least today.
Click to download: http://files.avast.com/files/skins/9-11_by_szcraftec.aswcs

I will never forget that day, and I owe a big thank you to Bob, for bringing back memories that I had started to forget, I will never forget them, Thank you Bob :slight_smile:

Though the attack took place on American soil, many forget that nations around the whole world lost people that day.

It was not just an attack on America, it was an attack on all free nations of the world!

Very well put Charley-O

Your more than welcome justin1278.

Well put CharleyO… the impact of 9/11 was and is with us All… and will remain forever.

I will NEVER forget.


Five years later.

Remember not the horror of that day
but remember instead the heroism that occurred on that day.

Remember not the terrorism of that day
but remember the courage of the passengers of flight 93.

Remember not the crumbling towers
but remember the patriotism we all felt that day.

Remember not the sorrow of that day
But remember the unity we all felt that day.

Remember not that we where attacked on that day
but remember that we’ve strengthened because of it.

very nice…thanks bob for sharing :smiley:

We have not forgotten that tragic day. Always will be in our memories.

The sixth anniversary has arrived and although CNN or the rest of the News aren’t making as much obout this anniversary as last year,
It is still something that should never be forgotten.
The following if you haven’t see it is worth a look.
Peace to all.