A DANGEROUS VIRUS can anyone help ??!!

i found a DANGEROUS VIRUS in the internet its called more than one name such as

antivirus 2008 antispyware 2008 anti maleware 2008


((( if you following that VIR steps such as your system is in abig damaged and believe it your system will

be in the cemetery

so you need to install anew system )))

my avast home and pro deleat his data base but the big problem is

this VIR has install notify in my system tray which talking about there is a problem in my system safety center but when i open it i found there is no proplem there

so i know after that it was that Stupid virus

can anyone tell me how remove that pro


You can first try a program called “Rogue Remover.” You can find it here…


If that doesn’t fix it, you can try Tech’s regimen here…


Scroll down to the third post and follow the instructions. :slight_smile:

Best Regards…

I don`t think this is a virus but the name does change and it may call itself several different things in order to create maximum confusion.

You might want to check out this page in BleepingComputers which recommends the use of the MalwareBytes Anti-Malware removal tool (scroll down) and if that fails to do the job completely, a Hijack This log:



This was covered in my initial reply when I said use “Tech’s regimen” and gave the link. :wink:

Best Regards…

Go Step by step
Tech’s method is very similar to other will known ones on the web
Virius if any have to be knocked down first
rt click the avast ball and update>programs just in case
open avast and schedule the boot time scan
move any hits to the chest do not delete/ remove

then MBAM update, scan, check each baddie then click REMOVE CHECKED
post log Free
While at the Malwarebytes.org site update and run rogue Remover Free
do not stop MBAM get’s most of this infection but there are some new versions that are tough

SAS update scan clean Quarantine Free
post log but edit out cookies

That’s a start
do you have any other scanners like Spybot?- any hits recently?

;D thanks to every one ;D

by the way


you say it doesnt a DANG VIR i think you talking about another VIR

because i fall in its trap in 6 month ago

i didnt know in that time it was a VIR

so i following its steps and did you know what did i got from it

that stupid VIR has inst it self in my COMP background and more than 300 mal spy vir file in my COMP

when i try to close it

it is gaven me a Q to REG this PRO

after that i cant remove it from my COMP so i havent any option EXP anew OS

ttthhhaaannnkkkssss to you

Hi sameeer_45…

I’m not sure what is meant in your last post. ???

Are you referring to MalwareBytes? It should uninstall just fine without having to register it. If Malwarebytes, for whatever reason, can’t completely take care of the infection, there are other programs listed in the link provided in my initial post. MalwareBytes isn’t rogue software or a virus as I have used it myself to help take care of an infection on a neighbor’s system. No one on this forum is knowingly going to advocate or inform others to use rogue software.

Furthermore, havildar, like everyone else here, took the time to post to try and help you, he doesn’t get paid for it. He is a fellow user on here, just like you and I. Whatever problem you are having doesn’t mean the information he provided is wrong. Actually, the information he gave in his link is sound. Please be respectful. ::slight_smile:

If I have misunderstood your meaning, please let me know.

Best Regards…


Thank you for your defence of my post. As you have said, the link was genuine and I would never knowingly give false or deceitful information in a situation of this kind. The removal tool from MalwareBytes has been proven to be effective in cases where Antivirus XP 2008 (or some other of its several similar names) needs to be removed, though I am aware that there are variations of it that are more difficult to shift and a Hijack This log and a trip to a malware removal forum will be necessary.


You have clearly misunderstood several things but be aware of this:

  1. I said Antivirus XP 2008 is not a virus. It isnt. It is a rogue or false anti-virus program designed to scare people into thinking their computers are infected, when they are not. Its purpose is to deceive and extract money from computer users.

  2. I dont know what you have installed on your computer but whatever it is you are describing it isnt MalwareBytes Anti-Malware which is a respected anti-malware program. To say that it has forced into installing a new OS is ridiculous.

  3. Finally, I my honest opinion, your attitude is both deplorable and offensive.

I am believer in Avast but I’m not sure it can detect this rogue program. Avira does, but I’m not sure the free version will.


Ths series of infections is morphing so fast that no one program can claim to be first to detect every new version
No one program can claim to detect all versions early in the infection cycle
An id of what version is present is necessary for removal especialy those with ZLOB and other co- mingled infections
Just because HJT (or Avast or— (put name off favorite program here) shows clear does not meant that there is not an infector or rootkit present

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

I do hope reconciliation and understanding will come of this.

Best Regards…


Whether reconciliation and understanding will come of this remains to be seen, though Ive read sameeer_45s posts again in order to try and decypher exactly what it is that he is saying.

He seems to be taking exception my statement that Antivirus XP 2008 is not a virus or DANG VIR as he calls it. Six months ago he has fallen into the classic trap of believing the fake alerts and having installed this malware on his computer, has been plagued by demands for cash to licence it, and cannot find a way to get rid of it, short of re-installing his OS.

He is not, I think, referring to Malwarebytes Anti-Malware at all and seems to be unaware that “thanks to you” will be taken as a sarcastic comment, attributing the blame for his problems entirely to me.

Without wishing to sound patronising, I suspect his problems are as much due to an inadequate grasp of English as to anything else, and I have failed to make allowance for that in my response.

Best regards …


Thanks for that. I think you`re right. According to this comparison chart , Avira free has no anti-spyware component:



I would like to think Avast! is on to this one too, altough I can`t find any official statement to that effect.

I know that SpywareBlaster has it listed in the Restricted Sites section of the program, and hopefully that will stop it before it can install itself.

Hi, :slight_smile: avast home detects it at least since 09/19 update.

Thanks timcan,

I`m impressed by the screenshot … “a picture paints a thousand words”?

The entry “Antivirus-abc” refers to whichever version of Antivirus XP 2008 that Avast! has caught, does it?

Is there a list anywhere of the nasties that Avast! is programmed to detect or is such a thing not available to ordinary users?

Hi, hope this helps, tim

Hi Havildar…

You might be right, hence my comments, “Are you referring to MalwareBytes,” and “If I have misunderstood your meaning, please let me know.” It can be extremely hard trying to decipher meanings on a written forum that includes folks whose native tongue is not English. I should have confirmed first if the sarcasm was intended. This was my mistake and one that I apologize for to all concerned. :frowning:

Best Regards…

thanks to everyone

and if i make trouble to anyone especially to you Mr.havildar

than i ask all of you to forgive me

thanks to everyone


Peace be upon evryone