I have read some of the latest threads on Windows 10, probably missed a few important points, etc, but my time on my computer is very limited because of medical issues. So, my question is, when Windows 10 is downloaded on July 29th, 2015 will my Avast Internet Security will be able to keep me safe on the web, Please? Or should I Not download it and just wait until Avast has updated all of their software to work on Windows 10, Please?
I have no intention into leaving Avast, as I have been with them many years and the entire support forum has given me 100% correct information over the years, from highly educated security people that is very hard to find anywhere.
If I had missed any link in my readings about Windows 10, I am very sorry. If possible, Please post a direct link or send me a PM with it, so I will be prepared on July 29th.
Thanks for your time, please keep up the great work into helping so many Avast members now and in the past.
Have a great day or evening, wherever you live in the World.
Thank YOU So Very Much Pondus and bob3160 for the Really Awesome links with the info I needed.
Have a Great Day or Evening.
Always happy to help.