I have 2 questions. I hope whoever replies has much patience because I understand computers as good as an average 3 year old can so, please, use easily understandable words?
Anyway, both of my Avast Licenses appear 3 times each when I look at my licenses. There’s only 1 expiration date for each program so, why is that?
And, when I save PDF files using the Avast Secure Browser, they won’t open on someone else’s computer. Am I doing something wrong when saving them? How can I fix this?
Thanks to anyone who replies…I really need the help.
Waht error is dispalyed on the other persons computer who is opening the pdf you sent them?
I’m not sure what error messages they receive. All they say is that they couldn’t open it.
Sorry but that’s not enough information to even guess what the problem might be.
I have Avast installed and have no problems opening or sharing pdf files.
Sorry. I can only go by what I’m told.
Get us more information and we may be able to help.
Hi, if you can add a screenshot of what you are referring to as being the issue, then we would be better equipt at helping you.
Please see this article on taking a screenshot: https://support.avast.com/en-ww/article/Create-screenshot
Once you have the screenshot please attach it to your reply. (select “+ Attachments and other options” below the reply box to add the screenshot (s).
Concerning “…Avast Licenses appear 3 times…” you have three different Avast products. Hope this clarifies the license issue, if not, please provide a screenshot.