A required priviledge is not held?

Hi, I have installed a program which works fine, just downloaded an upgrade but when I try to run it the Avast Sandbox sends a message ERROR 1314 ShellExecuteEx failed. A required priviledge is not held by the client. What do I do to fix this I have tried running it as an administrator too still same message.
Please any help out there?


Hello babs1 and welcome to the Avast Forums!

 Until some of our more knowledgeable forum members can arrive to review your post and offer more specific help...would you please be so kind as to provide the [b]NAME of the particular program you installed an update for[/b]?  This will help others better assist you with your issue.

Thank you & best regards.

The program I installed the update for : Family Historian (the update: fh5to_5.0.7exe) thank you for the time to read my question.

That will not work in the sandbox as it needs disc write authority. And the sandbox prohibits that

Okay thanks for that, so what do I do to get it out of sandbox so I can run it?

What you need to do is remove it from the sandbox…

OPen Avast and on the left select AutoSandbox
Click settings
Click AutoSandbox
Click Exclusions
At the bottom select Add
Navigate to the executable file and select it