A strange Email Error

I receive this error when scanning a file via the context menu.

Microsoft Office Outlook
Either there is no default mail client or the current mail client cannot fulfil the messaging request. Please run Microsoft Office Outlook and set it as the default mail client.

I’ve read through all the posts having to do with this problem but I think I’ve got a new twist to it. I looked in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL-MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail and I get the following;

(default) Microsoft Outlook
PreFirstRun Either there is no default mail client or the current mail client…

This is interesting in that my Email client is set to Thunder Bird and I checked it to make sure and this PreFirstRun has the actual error message! This is not what the other folk were getting. I have no fire wall on this machine except whatever comes with Vista. I don’t know if this machine even has Outlook as I’ve never used it. I guess if Vista home edition comes with it I have it. I tried turning off anything that has to do with Outlook in Avast
(Outlook Exchange).

Well this is my story such as it is! Any ideas out there?

Outlook is not the same as Outlook Exchange.
Since you are running Thunderbird, setup TB to work with avast.
This is explained in other threads on this webboard.


what was the type of file that was being scanned (and were you trying to get avast to scan file)?

You may want in Thunderbird to go to Tools > Options > General tab and use the “Check Now” button to make sure that Thunderbird is set as your default mail client. MS has a nasty habit of un-setting this especially after performing any MS Office updates or using Outlook.

If you are not using Outlook at all then you are correct in thinking that you do not need to be running the avast Outlook/Exchange provider. The avast Internet Mail provider is the one that covers Thunderbird and Vista’s Windows Mail.

<what was the type of file that was being scanned (and were you trying to get avast to scan file)?
I was trying to scan a .exe file! But even a txt file will give the same result.

Options > General tab and use the “Check Now” button to make sure that <Thunderbird is set as your default mail client. MS has a nasty habit of un-setting this especially after performing any MS <Office updates or using Outlook.
Indeed I did check to make sure Thunderbird is the default client and it is the default.

<If you are not using Outlook at all then you are correct in thinking that you do not need to be running the avast <Outlook/Exchange provider. The avast Internet Mail provider is the one that covers Thunderbird and Vista’s Windows Mail.
Yes I do have Outlook/Exchange provider shut down. Internet Mail provider is set to active.