A Website to pass out to your non-tech friends

Just wanted to let you all know that i put together a website designed for the home user that has specific, step by step instructions on how to do stuff like install antivirus (Avast home free of course :slight_smile: ), and install AntiSpyware, as well as running other things to speed up the performance of your computer.

Its a great tool to hand out to those people that ask you “my computer has problems, can you help” the second they hear you know anything about computers :slight_smile:

I am also in the process of adding video to the site demonstrating the techniques on the site.


-Mike Binns

Nice site, Mike … particularly the check list on the right which could be handy for newbies to computers. :slight_smile:

This post would have been better posted in the General forum, though. :wink:

Yeah i realized that after posting here… i posted it there.