Whensoever a virus is detected in windows folder, it has either to be deleted or moved to chest.Both these actions make the file useless and if the file is a system32 file or an important file like explorer.exe the OS stops working properly and we have to reinstall it which is very tedious.
So, I would like to suggest Alwil guys that they should add a feature in Avast by which as soon as it is installed, it should create an archieve sort of a copy of the necessary OS files and when a virus is detected in any of these files, the archieve should be used to replace the infected file after it is sent to the chest.
Not all files in in the system folders are MS files and it is a common tactic of malware to put their files there ti make users think ‘this is an important system file’ and leave it there.
If avast were to autonomously make copies of windows system files I would be furious, as in theory they are all important. This could result in massive wasted space, not to mention this would all have to be regenerated after windows updates, etc.
avast makes some copies (only three files) which are placed in the System Files section of the Chest.
There is nothing stopping the responsible user from doing the same or having a robust back-up & recovery strategy.
For that reason avast has the vrdb generator. It is an older idea actually, but in your case helpfull.
Remember in the old floppy days, you had to make restore disks when you installed a av solution.
But DavidR is right make a solid back up of your OS and your precious data.
The blue i icon next to the a icon, let it run when your computer is idle.
VRDB stands for “Virus Recovery Database”; it was known as “Integrity Database” in previous avast! versions. The aim of VRDB is to help when, despite all the security measures, a virus gets inside the computer and the files are infected. With the help of VRDB, it is possible to repair many infected files (return them exactly to their original state). VRDB is announced by an icon with the letter “i” in the system tray (next to the clock). If the icon is animated, the database is being created right now.
But you have a responsibilty also in this respect, so as DavidR states - make a solid back up of your OS and all your precious data,