AAVM and the RPC error.

There is no RPC error. Otherswise, many Windows services would be failing. The AAVM RPC message is fixed by starting the four Avast services. The problem is that the services fail to start automatically on many machines. There is no known fix for this issue. The main tech support in Chzech has not figured it out yet. Don’t worry about supplying error numbers, this won’t help. Until Avast figures out how to get the services to start, answering endless questions is a waste of time.

Well without answers to questions, then we are as much in the dark as you and can’t offer a suggestion so responding would also be a waste of time.

However this post in isolation has no meaning unless you happen to stumble on your original topic. So you should keep it with your original topic http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=25010.0, especially if you want to abandon it by not answering questions.

All of the questions were answered. Do you have anymore?

haha…ok that was a funny topic but it’s useless if we don’t know the problem…it seems that u don’t have one though as u answered it by urself…do u often talk to urself by opening topics in forums???tell us what’s the problem so people who have the similar can follow ur advise…thnx in adance… ;D

Check Windows Events and avast logs and post more info. Help us to help you 8)

Please, don’t post twice… you’ll double the effort to help.
Follow Vlk’s post: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=25010.msg205179#msg205179

The problem is stated in the first post. Services don’t start. What about “Don’t Start” do you not understand? Oh, sorry about the double post, but someone ask what the problem was? The bottom line is there is no solution to this common problem. I have dupilcated the bug on Windows XP SP2, and Window 2000. Tech support is similar to the forum, they just repeat the obvious. For example, services won’t start automatically and the antivirus service is set to automatic. Solution: Try changing the antiovirus service to automatic. Duh, read the question, its already set to automatic. Do they need glasses or Ritalin for focusing!!


I think you need to decide whether you want help or you want to insult.

You seem to be aimed at the latter right now. I think it will lower the desire to assist you … but, of course, feel free to go on insulting if it makes you feel better.

In the other, perhaps more useful, thread you have provided a monosyllabic response to two questions from the person most able to assist with avast problem solving. I would advise you to grab that opportunity with both hands.

Again your choice if you wish to fail … the folks at avast and in this forum would like to help you succeed but it will need a cooperative attitude from you for that to happen.