Hi Randissiomo,
Always see these things into the right proportions.
So we should ban various online website scanners as they are doing exactly that, without even breaking the links properly → http://maldb.com/ etc.
Whenever I visit a website malcode analysis thread on the virus and worms section of an av solution support forum.
I should be fully aware that I could come across such reconstruct-able links.
Same going over the contents of qualified malware removers here. Some reconstructable links, even more dangerous in the hands of the unwise to serve up as a cure for all when designed for just one specific victim. What is your critique there? I am anxious to hear that?
Breaking a link i.m.h.o. is just the opposite of saying “please click here and get yourself infested”.
This is not kindergarten! It is the avast! support forum - virus and worms section.
Always take precautions as I state in my profile use NoScript and visit in a sandbox or a VM and be more secure.
Just like going somewhere for the first time on the Interwebs, pre-check link with cut and past or bringing up a link checking service,
then shun site or visit or ask a second op here or visit through a online proxy with script disabled and in a sandbox. No risks!
If you are going here: http://cybercrime-tracker.net/ all the URLs given there are lively dangerous.
Clear it says cybercrime tracker and not pussycat tracker ;D .
and one can click the VT results to seee what the actual threat is.
No one in his right mind is trying to go to the live URLs there period or you are a kind of “sado-masochistic” self-infesting clicker
Not only go to the website analysis with a scriptblocker and in a sandbox or virtual machine.
Also be cautious with sites like ZuluZscaler, Quttera etc.
Too much of malcode (without payload natyrally) exposed and access will be denied by avast! shields.
So with code use an image that is safe.
So the only thing to do with these links, broken or reconstructable ones, is cut and paste to be fed to a scanner of sorts. Never click there.
In most cases one is halted by Google or WOT or BitDefender’s TrafficLight, so it is rare to actually be able to go there.
I know there are people that like to see the effects of their clicking and well they will find out. Hope they will never come across a file-infector.
Just like with a child. When I say “Do not go to the hot stove, it is hot” and that child will burn its finger anyway,
it will know what it should not be doing the next time.
Well the risk of something happening is relative.
Most active malware is only up for a very short time before being detected or cleansed or taken down or going dead.
We also should hammer on the responsibility of those that click.
Not updated and upgraded your OS and third party software?
You forgot to use the avast software updater? You click and get infested,.
You yourself are to blame.
But we can tell that one thousand million times. Will they ever learn. I think they will not.
People will only start to act differently when they have turned their computer to function “door stopper only”.
Same with idiot webmasters and irresponsible hosting.
Everybody that goes onto the road needs a driving licence.
On the other hand every idiot that knows to put a website up or host 2000 domains on one and the same IP is free to endanger each and every visitor.
To change that situation should be priority one, and then users should get educated and security should no longer be a last resort thing.
Not doing anything about this and leave things as they are and moaning about a reconstruct-able link.
that once in a blue moon could infect a persistent self-inflicting clicker that wants to bring that upon himself intentionally should be a second concern.
We take all precautions and report to make these very users more secure.