About scaning time again

I have used Avast! home version for half of a year.
I got a question.
My files on my hard drive are maybe 42GB.And it takes neally one and a half hour to take a full scan.I think it is a long time ~

How about you~!

42GB for 1.5 hours with archives turned on is not a long time. Compare the same time scanning using the online scanners like Symantec, House Call, and Etrust. You’ll get about the same time.

You don’t mention what type of on-demand scan you are doing ?
Quick/Standard sensitivity, with or without Archives, etc. or your system specs, these things are more likely to slow the scan.

You don’t mention anything about the makeup of that 42GB, I suspect a large number of media files, and some of those not considered a risk could be excluded from the scan, either by file type or by excluding your Media folder.

I mean I compare with two scaners.
One is Avast!4.0,the other is Rising which is from China~

It’s not so good to compare two anti-virus prg…so much things can be different in the programs, and they can have different default-settings, and so on

In order to be able to compare you have to be sure they are scanning the same things and at the same level of inspection, this is very hard to do unless you know exactly what will be scanned by both AVs for the settings you use in both.

You also have to ensure that there is only one AV installed at the time you run any test as even if one is in theory disabled there could still be conflict which could effect your results.

Speed is only one aspect (but without knowing the depth of scan something that can’t easily be judged) and I would suggest not to important when compared to detections and functionality, after all you could start your scan and come back later, go to bed, etc.