Hi everyone I was asking if this windows is free to use ;D
Because I wanna format my old pc and install this windows in it!
If yes please tell me how to burn this file into a cd please!
You mean operating system? it’s not windows…
I used Wubi and it’s free…
easy to install… I tried it out but i didnt like so yeah…
Wubi : Wubi is an officially supported Ubuntu installer for Windows users that can bring you to the Linux world with a single click. Wubi allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu as any other Windows application, in a simple and safe way. Are you curious about Linux and Ubuntu? Trying them out has never been easier!
edit: doesnt need any cd, but you need windows OS to run it…
[font=Segoe UI]Ubuntu is not a Windows OS but a Linux Distribution. Ubuntu can be installed side by side with Windows through GRUB so, no problem if you have some important files. Download the latest release (Karmic Koala) here: Ubuntu.
NOTE: A lot of programs does not run on Linux compared to Windows. WINE, an emulator, can be used however, may fail to emulate at some point.
PS: I’m typing this while in Ubuntu.
Shiw liang,
please don’t switch to linux at this stage where you don’t know what is what. you need to learn things first.
Eh in my other pc I can’t log in anymore so I wanna format my pc and make it become another operating system ubuntu.
Thank you everyone for helping me^^
I think I got a lot more experience by doing so^^and it will help me when my laptop will be broken I can still use my other pc to make my project^^
Windows is great shiw…promise…
If u feel unsatisfied, then go with ur decision…
But if u havent tried Vista or 7, its worth a shot to try^^
yeah shiw liang, agreed with mnb, before you try Linux, you got to learn a few things about computers…anyway you can always download Ubuntu http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download and burn it, which will give you an installation disc as well as what is called a “live cd”. Learn how to boot from a CD, and when you know how to do that, launch your Ubuntu Live CD and you will be able to take a look at Ubuntu operating system without installing anything, and see if you’re really interested. If you have questions, go to Ubuntu forums, I’m sure they’ll love you down there ;D http://ubuntuforums.org/ Linux forums love newbies in a general way and they will help you around. Just when they tell you that Linux is better than Windows, come back here and ask for a confirmation
In addition to all of the other fine advice given to you in this thread, I suggest to anyone thinking about Linux, to read this first:
Linux is NOT Windows
Now, if you still want to try it, then download the iso from the link already provided, run it while in Windows, and Windows and Wubi will do the rest. It will install within Windows, just like any other Windows program, and you can delete it at will, from the add/remove programs dialog.
Have fun…
Thank you everyone^^
I just installed it because my pc is unable to log in as administrator anymore so it is better than nothing!
It took me 3hrs to download this really tiring to wait but I successfully burn it into a cd and use it at start up.
I already have the vista and windows 7 installation but I haven’t installed it yet because I think my processor is not enough powerful to handle this.
But I think next year I’ll buy a vista one.
Operating system is really interesting^^"
In the kindest way possible, I caution you, and any others interested in running Linux, about using Linux without doing a lot of research on your own. Finding out the minimum requirements, as an example, was as easy as searching for “Ubuntu minimum requirements”.
Please understand, as you start your new adventure, that there is no customer service department to call, for someone to answer questions, and though the community is quite friendly to new users, that friendliness starts to wear out quickly, if that new user does not start learning his new OS on his own.
(Though the Ubuntu forums are friendlier than most, you can, and will get the infamous RTFM, if users perceive that you’re taking the easy way out by asking questions in a forum, rather than finding the answers on your own.)
When I first tried Linux five plus years ago, I spent countless hours and hours searching for things I didn’t understand. Even now, I’m continually looking things up, though I couldn’t by any stretch of the imagination, be called a Linux newbie any more.
Now, all that being said, using the Live CD, as you appear to currently be doing, is just fine. If you ever decide to install Ubuntu, you’ve already seen the link on the desktop on that CD, to do that.