access anywhere

been having problems with access anywhere working(it doesn’t).open avast-access anywhere-remotely control a computer-enter password and get a avast! information box:internal server error occurred?anyone else having this issue?

also when I go to my avast account online I sometimes get internal server error or all my devices say secured but have na next to all the details?

avast premier 8.0.1489-windows 8 pro 64 & 32

Bri, if you want to test AccessAnywhere with me, feel free to check if we’re online at the same time.

Have exact same setup and having same issue since yesterday. Bad software update or server problem at Avast?

thanks for the offer tech.right now access anywhere is working,this has to be a avast server issue.i opened a support ticket and the tech got logs but this is an avast issue.someone from avast please look into this because access anywhere is why I bought the premier version.also fix the online account,very buggy.