AMS downloaded on my tablet. Now I need to register. Went to “setting” register a new account. User name (E-mail address), set a password and add phone number and connect. Simple! no! got this message instead UNABLE TO CONNECT GOOGLE CLOUD TO DEVICE MESSAGING.
What need to be done once the download is done ? actually AVAST stop all attempts to go on the net. Thanks
what tablet are we talking about exactly?
we use Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) service to send some information and commands from our servers to your device. There are some requirements for GCM to work: the device must be at least a 2.2 Android device that has Google Play Store installed, and it must have at least one logged in Google account if the device is running a version lower than Android 4.0.4.
If you don’t have such a device, you can’t unfortunately use avast! Account features. The rest of the product should work fine, though.
Thank You for the info. The tablet is an ONDA Vi30W loaded with ICS 4.0.3. So far GOOGLE PLAY store is active and “GOOGLE CHROME” is installed.
The fact that I have a google account, a google play store, and google chrome shouldn’t cover the last requirement(`` it must have at least one logged in Google account¨`?
Hi Ondra,
Don’t know why but I lost “play store” app. No longer on my apps’ list. Then, I decided to deinstall AVAST as I thought maybe it interferred with play store. I will reinstall it lather. In trying to load PLAY STORE" I keep getting the same message “connection has expired: please try again”
The wifi is connected. Laptop working fine. What would cause connection to fail ?
Hi Marc,
avast! Mobile Security doesn’t interfere with Play Store, it just needs it to be present on the device. From what I see here: http://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1727131, your device isn’t on the list of supported device. This means that the device isn’t licensed to have some Google apps installed, like Play store, Gmail etc.
If you haven’t installed Play store yourself (like it’s possible with some custom ROMs), you probably don’t have it on the device. I’m not sure how it could disappear if it was there already.
What is meant by the “it must have at least one logged in Google account” is, that what you go to Settings - Accounts, there must be a Google account present. This account is then used in Play Store, Gmail, Calendar, Contacts etc.
I’m afraid I can’t help you more, because we don’t have this device here. I’m just guessing from what I can find on the internet.