ACDsee32 problem-Detecting a Virus thats not there?

Recently Avast has decided that the program “ACDSee32” has a virus. Now im fairly certain it doesnt so how do i exclude make it stop scanning this file? ive reinstalled the app from disc and keeps detecting a virus in the main programs exe. but this cant be right since its been running for over 2 years on my PC fine. ive tried adding it to the exclusion list but it doest seem to work.


the virus it detects is:
“Win32:Trojan-gen. {VC}”

Also i scanned the file with “Kaspersky AV” and it didnt detect anything.

…SAME WITH ME, everything great, AVAST 4.7 doing a great job then straight after todays supplement BANG i supposedly have a TROJAN in ACDSEE 32 EXE

.I KNOW its an old proggy but is the smallest easy to use thumbnailer around

.it leaves such a small pawprint that i have it 3 drives but now none of them work

also i cant find any reference to the troj WIN32 TROJAN GEN (VC) anywhere
(none in virus databases i can find)
…except disgruntled AVAST users

if its a false positive as other forums seem to think how can i stop 4.7 from detecting it all the time thus making my most useful “swiss army knife” proggy KAPUT

…something that must be looked at!!!
i beleive there was a spate of this happening a couple of years ago
…i love AVAST ALWILL it has been excellent (and i’m a 24/7 power user)

…only had a pesky JAVA almost sneak through once but AVAST got it
…have sent a report in… hope you can address the prob

phil from AUSTRALIA

See here:

There has just been a large VPS update so it could well be a false positive detection, which can be confirmed using the multi-engine scanner links in the above link. If it is an FP send a sample to avast as outlined in the same link.

Should be fixed now. Sorry for the troubles.

…WHOOHOOO ya fixed it
excellent. ,… so quick :smiley: i was just bundling up a zip to send ;D

Any reported FPs are usually corrected very quickly this was very quick. Perhaps because it was a very large VPS update the Alwil team were on the lookout for any reports.

Welcome to the forums.

…THANKS DAVID :slight_smile: suuure was quick, kudos to all ;D ;D ;D
…1 day without my main graphics tool :frowning:
very slow trying to use IRFAN or ACDC-5 the same way >:(


No problem, now you know how to confirm the detection and exclude from scan if you ever have this happen again, you shouldn’t be inconvenienced for long.