action freeze up

running avast home on xp home.
run scan, scan finds malware in temp internet files and a window comes up that lists this and asks what I want to do. Whatever action I take ( move to chest, delete or repair) a new window comes up that shows the progress of the action and nothing happens. Just never completes the action. I have tried uninstall and reinstall to no avail. What to do?

(This never happens on my daughters computer, things work great.)

Have you tried to delete the temporary Internet files?
To do this go to Internet explorer >Tools > Internet options > Delete files > Click delete all offline content (just to be sure) > click ok.
It might take some time to delete them.

After that, can you schedule a boot-time scanning?
Start avast! > Right click the skin > Schedule a boot-time scanning
Select for scanning archives.

deleted temp internet files

ran boot scan

came up with this

03/21/2005 19:02
Scan of all local drives
File C:\Documents and Settings\Tina\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\DNRHRXB4\forum[1].htm is infected by VBS:Malware [Script]File C:\Documents and Settings\Tina\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\DNRHRXB4\forum[1].htm is infected by VBS:Malware [Script]File C:\Documents and Settings\Tina\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\DNRHRXB4\forum[1].htm is infected by VBS:Malware [Script]File C:\Documents and Settings\Tina\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\DNRHRXB4\forum[1].htm is infected by VBS:Malware [Script]File C:\Documents and Settings\Tina\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\DNRHRXB4\forum[1].htm is infected by VBS:Malware [Script]File C:\Documents and Settings\Tina\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\DNRHRXB4\forum[1].htm is infected by VBS:Malware [Script]File C:\Documents and Settings\Tina\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\DNRHRXB4\forum[1].htm is infected by VBS:Malware [Script]

as you can see I tried to delete it several time, would not delete. had to push ignore.

what now?

thanks for the help

I think you should boot on safe mode…
Add a line to your C:\boot.ini file (better is Control Panel > System > Advanced > Initialization…)

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS=“Windows XP Professional Safe Mode” /fastdetect /safeboot:minimal /sos /bootlog

Boot there and try to delete manually all that files (or even the entire folder).

Before I go any further I would like to undestand what is happening. Why won’t these Temp Internet files delete ?

Access (or delete) denied means, generally, that the file is in use by another process (program) and cannot be repaired/cleaned/moved/handled by avast! Probably, they’re infected and can only be deleted if they’re not in use, like in Safe Mode operation 8)

Thanks for the explanation, most helpful.

I booted in safe made and was able to delete the offenders. Thanks for the help!

Wow! Good you win!
Don’t forget to come here from time to time and help the others and make this forum even greater 8)

Well, I thought I was done with this problem.

After booting in safe mode and deleting the Temp Internet files things looked good.

Did another scan and the the Malware was gone from the Temp Internet files but some of them seem to be in C:\Recyclers\ .

Is this bad? If so ,what to do?

Yes, it’s not good.
Are you sure about the spelling of the path? Do you mean C:\Recyclers\ or just C:\Recycler\ ?
Can you clean (empty) the Recycle bin? Will the malware appear again after boot?

These are the results of the scan.

C:\Recycler\S-1-21-1871470453-3778524941-289447414-500\Dc11\f3_1(1).jpg Unable to scan: The system cannot read from the specified device

C:\Recycler\S-1-21-1871470453-3778524941-289447414-500\Dc11\Dc2\thread(1).htm Infection:Malware (Script)

Recycler not Recyclers.

Whatever action I choose (move to chest, repair, etc), nothing happens.

I was able to empty recycle bin.

I even ran a scan in safe mode hoping this would help. It did not.

Thanks for the help.

Rondo, do you use Norton Unerase protection (an application from Norton Utilities)?
Run a scan in safe mode is a good idea…

No Norton on this computer.