activation Avast Cleanup problems

Currently i format my computer and reinstall the Avast (updated version) and reactive or install the licenses.
Avast premium is OK, but i face the problem in Avast Cleanup. I insert the code, the system showed that: The number of successful activation has reached the limit.
Expire date is: 24 JULY 2017
What is the problems?

The problem is that you can only use the activation code a limited amount of times.
You need to use the license file and not the activation code as has been explained before on this webboard.

Thanks for the reply.

now question is i could not find the license file, but only the code.

Look in your account.

Okay having the same problem. Using the free anti-virus and signed up for the 30 day trial (which btw I cant turn off auto renew keeps coming back as error) tried the activation code first that did not work. I then asked for and received the license file but that only had the free anti-virus license not the 30 day Clean-up license. My free trial is about to run out and would like to at least try it once before it ends or I end up buying it cause the auto renew wont shut off.

Comprei a licença do cleanup no boleto , e não recebi e segundo o avast não conta no registro, alguém pode me ajudar. ?

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Hello i reinstalled win after install avast . awast shows me yours license is valid 256 days but when i do clean up it doesnt resolve problems. where is the problem?

Avast Cleanup is a paid product.

Yes i know but i paid for one year is valid untill 10.22.2017

Download your license file (through your account) and use it.

i did , this is a problem.

Contact support:

YES,there is no activation file, you can email support team to solve it.

I also email them and problem settle.

e agora faço o que para utilizar o produto,não tinha essa informação, fico sem utilizar um contrato de 3 anos.

Fattima Borges

Fox, this is a English forum.