I “upgraded” my old Ad Aware SE to 2007 quite a ways back, then dumped it because (imho, of course) the new one was garbage. I felt SE wasn’t bad at all, other than sometimes a little heavy on FP’s.
I see Lavasoft is still (so far, anyway) offering def updates for SE. So that raises two questions:
Anywhere I can download and re-install the SE version?
Any word on how much longer Lavasoft will continue to offer updated defs for it? No point reinstalling if it’s close to being officially discontinued.
I have given up on Ad-aware and mainly on it’s dreadful updater/manager , glad to have Super Anti Spyware running on my full admin and normal user XP SP2 accounts, together with a-squared and Comodo BoClean 4.25 and Trend Micro RUBotted, and the new version of Spyware Blaster. Happy with that configuration, and who needs Ad-aware now, had to uninstall, re-install, the updater was a shambles, just a very good program helped down the drain i.m.h.o., I can imagine that you long to the days of Ad-aware SE like it was,
I took a look at their website, and even that’s confusing. They say that “as of 2008” (beginning of year, or when?) SE will no longer be supported or updated, so I’m surprised to see def updates for it still showing up fairly regularly in Updates here. Probably safe to assume it’s essentially dead, even if still twitching a little.
So I’ll stick with SS&D – no prize either, but it should be around a while.
yup updates still available…but ad-aware and spybot are things of the past to me-have lost their reputations of being the great ones of the past and they don’t seem to care : ???
One last question (about SAS) - how often do they typically update defs? I see the default warning about old defs is at 5 days, so 2 or 3 times a week is probably normal.
Hopefully they’ll someday figure out how to do incremental updates - that 2 megs, give or take, each time is a pain.
Scratch AVG-AS, the stand alone version will no longer be supported when avg-anti-malware 8.0 (I think that is the version) is released or shortly afterwards.
what davidr told me in another thread is to leave you spyware product as your realtime-for instance i’m using spywareterminator as my realtime spyware protection http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=34249.0