Add file to exclusion list does not work?

iam ‘unzipping’ a program thats safe but being flagged as PUP, when i click on the “add file to exclusion list” link in the alert nothing happens and when i try to unpack the program again it blocks it again?

I have tried several times?

yet when I click on “report false positive” the window to do so appears?

Iam on the latest version

I have the same issue. Why no replies? We can’t be the only 2 people with this issue.

I am using the latest version of Avast Free, 2014.9.0.2008 , which oddly you can’t highlight and copy the text of the version info from the about screen.

Using Windows 8.1 x64 with the latest updates as well.

When I use 7zip to unzip a file. I am getting a false positive. The pop up window from Avast has an option of “Add the file to the scan exclusion list”, but when I click it nothing happens. It also has an option to submit the false positive and that option works when I click on it. If this has been an issue for at least 6 months, why is it not fixed. Or at least, why are there no replies to this thread?

Xenon… if the above quote from your post is correct, then I am afraid that you are NOT using the latest version of Avast. The latest version is 9.0.2011, several updates beyond your version. You might want to try updating Avast to the actual latest version and see if the problem still exists then. If so, come back with details of your system, etc. and I am sure that someone will try to help.


Great, so that means that the auto updating isn’t doing a good job of keeping me on the latest version as I reboot often and stay online 24/7. The systems is rarely off, just rebooted. I will go ahead and force update to see if I get the true latest version. But that still is no excuse for this issue not being resolved since at least June 2013 to version 2014.9.0.2008. And certainly no excuse for this thread to not have received any replies and help when it was first posted in June.

Also, 9.0.2008 is only 1 update behind .2011 according to the Avast Changelog. And doesn’t list this issue as being resolved. But I will try anyway.

k, so I am now using 2014.9.0.2011, double checked and as of right now that is indeed the latest version. But looks like I need to find another way to test it. Because now the file that was causing the popup asking if I wanted to exclude the file, no longer gives me a choice at all. Now it simply moves the file to the chest. Which is not what I want it to do. I want it to ask me if I want to exclude it so I can see if the option works or not.

Does 2014.9.0.2011 version no longer have this feature? I will try finding another file to use for testing in the meantime.

Is the detection name the same? That option is only shown for Susp and PUP detections, I believe.

I don’t know what it listed before. Unless it is stored in some log somewhere. But if it is now detecting the file differently, I will need to find a new file to use for testing. As I would really like to confirm if the latest version of Avast has this feature working or not. I was very happy to see the choice in the pop up, but sad that it did nothing when I clicked on it. But now I need to find a test file that shows me that option again.

So I found a file finally that popped up the window where it says it has blocked a threat and shows the “Add the file to the scan exclusion list”, and when I click on that. Nothing happens. The popup window stays there and nothing happens.

Is something suppose to happen when I click on that? Let’s start with that. Or is something happening in the background. If something is happening in the background, it would be nice to have a window confirm that something is happening. Bad design or it’s a bug.