I had to uninstall & install Avast b/c no on here helped me to figure out why whenever there was a threat I couldn’t open the button to see what it was, deal with it, etc.
So after reinstalling, now I have this issue where Avast (I assume it’s Avast triggering this as Thunderbird never triggered this before) keep popping up this
Add Security Exception
Unknown Identity
popup box & it’s for all my gmail accounts.
Even if I click on “confirm exception” it doesn’t go away or that button is greyed out.
And you guys have serious issues with your forum here. 3 times I tried to post & every time it just kept scrolling & then eventually led me to a white page. This is why there are 2 posts from me. Had I not checked, I would have thought non of them went thru.
Very very strange & not user friendly IMO. I’ve been on tons of forums for the last 20 years & never seen forum software that doesn’t allow you to check a box or check off in your user settings that you want to be notified for every thread when you respond.
Plus this software doesn’t take you back to the thread after you post (again not user friendly), plus the captcha is very difficult to read & annoying. I already mentioned the bugs I noticed before when I first tried to post & it wasn’t easy.