So how do I add a new post to an existing topic? In the old forum we simply replied to a post. Now I get a message that only 3 replies are allowed?
dont know why i bothered
@MrDJ - if you had read my post, you would have seen that I tried using the Reply button but was blocked since there are only 3 replies allowed. I want to know how to add a new post to a Topic.
Since you don’t mention the topic it is hard to say.
Some topic are closed after 30 days of no new posts - given during the switch over the forum was down for 30 Days - in which case there would be no ‘Reply’ Button at the bottom of that topic. Once it was opened again that option returned.
See attached image - is that bottom of the topic you are trying to post to ?
Here’s the topic I tried replying to. I got a message that only 3 replies are permitted.
That is an interesting one as my only recollection of ‘only 3 replies are permitted’ related to new forum members.
Which shouldn’t apply to you - interestingly I tried to check out your Profile information but I can’t get the page to load. I tried several times, refreshing the Tab in Firefox, trying to open it again in another tab.
All failed, in one however I made several attempts to refresh - ultimately they failed and I got a strange effect, see screenshot .
This is a repetition of the Page header with no data, repeating itself for each time I tried,
Hopefully Someone from Avast will chime in. I also noticed that you have a “Leader” designation next to your name while I have nothing?
I got the same one when I try to check some user’s profiles.
That would certainly be the cause on the limit of 3 posts a day, however that doesn’t account for why I couldn’t view your Profile info.
I’m still having problems with the ‘This Requires Avast Input’ topic and posting new posts in it.
It has nothing to do with 3 posts a day. It’s a limit on the number of replies you can make on a topic without someone else replying to that topic. This needs a clarification from AVAST or a Forum Moderator. This is new to all of us and needs to be explained.
Viewing NON’s or your profile David, takes a very long time though it does eventually load.
Though Bob’s profile simply won’t load at all.
Don’t feel bad, even I can’t load my own profile. It just keeps spinning but never loads. I love change especially when it’s done just for the sake of change. (NOT)
I get the following error:
I’ve been getting 500 error’s on certain post translations via the new inbuilt translator, already reported that one a couple of days ago to an Avast employee.
I have been getting some of that slow loading too - considering the idea of the new format was to speed up the forums.
I feel it is more complex than the old forum and to me appears very one level not to mention damn hard to find/navigate.
As I’ve already stated, Change just for the sake of change makes no sense and disrupts the intent of this forum. You can’t help when you can’t find the cries for help.