ADNM Console Administrator Password

So having got as far as installing the ADNM stuff, and managed to login to the console as “administrator”, I’ve followed the instructions to change the properties of the default administrator account’s admin password to somoething else. Now it won’t let me log in :frowning:

Is there any way to recover the console administrator password, or do I need to completely uninstall the whole ADNM thing and presumably the SQL database too?

Is there an undocumented limit on the password format ie number of characters, use of characters other than letters and numbers?

did you check if all the services are running for adnm?

if they run, maybe a delete and reconstruct of the db could work giving u a clean new db… (not sure tho)

Thanks for the reply. As far as I could tell everything was running, but without the password it was impossible to get in and check.

Since it was a new install, with the a/v not yet rolled out to workstations easiest solution was to completely uninstall and start again.

check the system documentation,

the default password is admin, could of saved yourself a reinstall ;D

check the system documentation,

the default password is admin, could of saved yourself a reinstall

The OP said that he logged in already, but changed the password. THEN it wouldn’t let him in.