ADNM: Deployment to Vista-Client


Board-Search and google gave me several topics on the following question, but no where found an answer to my problem.

We are just installing avast! on some test-clients by using a deployment-taks of ADNM.
Everything works fine as long the OS is XP, but as it comes to Vista there is a failure.

Firewall is off, authentification is correct.

I guess it´s a Vista-problem, but can´t figure out where the problem is.
Maybe you have some ideas?

Thx 4 help and best regards
S. Kraft

06/19/09 10:43:07: rinstInstall begin 06/19/09 10:43:07: Init 50 60 C:\Windows\TEMP\asw266B.tmp C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Management Tools\InstPkgs NULL C:\Windows\TEMP\asw266A.tmp 0 06/19/09 10:43:07: Store 06/19/09 10:43:07: Domains: *, 06/19/09 10:43:07: Init AP\DE000IT008WVBU 06/19/09 10:43:07: DE000IT008WVBU: GetAccount 06/19/09 10:43:07: DE000IT008WVBU: Queueing 06/19/09 10:43:07: StartThread 06/19/09 10:43:07: Loop 06/19/09 10:43:07: SpawnThreads 06/19/09 10:43:07: DE000IT008WVBU: StartSetup 06/19/09 10:43:07: DE000IT008WVBU: Connecting 06/19/09 10:43:08: DE000IT008WVBU: OpenSCManager error 5 (Access is denied) 06/19/09 10:43:08: DE000IT008WVBU: OpenSCMImpersonated 06/19/09 10:43:08: DE000IT008WVBU: LogonUser administrator ap error 1385 (Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer) 06/19/09 10:43:08: DE000IT008WVBU: RemoveOnError 06/19/09 10:43:08: DE000IT008WVBU: CloseConnection 06/19/09 10:43:08: DE000IT008WVBU: Finished with error 06/19/09 10:43:08: TerminateAll 06/19/09 10:43:08: rinstInstall end 0

the account that your using for installing the packages is that a local administrator account or a domain account?
because it looks like that the account for installation is not known to the computer you try to install it to

tho im a little puzzled about the “(Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer)” part

it´s the domain administrator account and it worked at the xp-clients… in fact there shouldn´t be any problem regarding permission.

as said before: i guess there is some kind of problem with vista. maybe some kind of blockade although the firewall is turned off…

vista has 3 kinds of firewall

make sure you disabled all 3

bellow here is the link for understanding the windows firewall seting

and check the domain administrator it is a member of vista administrator group or not

Hi, I too am getting this error:

LogonUser administrator ap error 1385 (Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer)

Using a domain admin account on windows 2008 domain. The netclient is installing fine on XP workstations but not on Windows 7 or on 2008 servers.

Has anyone been able to resolve this?

Are there any login restrictions for the computers in group policy? If not, try logging into the computer using the account that you’re using to push the installation. See if it lets you logon. If so, go to the users applet in the control panel and add that domain user to the admins group. As for the servers, if you’re using a domain admin account, that should have let you install. I don’t know what’s up with that.

Test again.

Hi All

has anyone found a solution to this? i am having the exact same problem. Trying to deploy it to a domain controller, firewall is disabled. here is the error message, i have confirmed that the username and password is correct, and can RDP to the server with these details.

11/28/11 10:38:18: VIP-ADMASTER: StartSetup
11/28/11 10:38:18: VIP-ADMASTER: Connecting
11/28/11 10:38:18: VIP-ADMASTER: OpenSCManager error 5 (Access is denied)
11/28/11 10:38:18: VIP-ADMASTER: OpenSCMImpersonated
11/28/11 10:38:18: VIP-ADMASTER: LogonUser sagevipadministrator sagevip error 1385 (Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer)
11/28/11 10:38:18: VIP-ADMASTER: RemoveOnError
11/28/11 10:38:18: VIP-ADMASTER: CloseConnection
11/28/11 10:38:18: VIP-ADMASTER: Finished with error


Can you try to mapping to drive c$ by DOS command from the AC?
ex: net use x: \VIP-ADMASTER\c$ username=administrator