ADNM & SBS 2003

This one is probably easy. I have SBS 2003 with Avast installed on it (the SBS 2003 edition). I also am running ADNM from the SBS, and it tells me the server is an unmanaged node, meaning it does not have the managed client Avast software on it.

My question is, should I worry about this? It seems as though the SBS edition is updating fine, ADNM is working fine now with all the clients. Do I need to deploy Avast client edition to my server?

Is there a way to have ADNM to not discover to the server, so I don’t get confused one day (not that I would, but I am getting older:)



Maybe this one was too easy? :wink:

You can leave it as it is (with the server itself running the [unmanaged] avast! Server Edition), OR you could replace the Server Edition by the [managed] “NetServer Edition”.

There are some benefits - but it’s also extra work. So it depends mainly on whether you want to see the server in the reports etc…


OK, I think I have messed things up…

I started to get the error:

Subscription for product AV_NETC is about to expire (in less than 30 days). It is recommended to renew it as soon as possible.

So, following another post with the same issue, I deployed the managed NetServer edition over top of the existing installed version.

I also, after doing that, figured out that I could put the license in ADNM, by starting the seperate manager.

Now, there are two program groups, one for the first version I installed, and one for the managed version. If I try to start the client, the memory scan works, then nothing happens.

Do I go back, uninstall both the server software, and the managed version of Avast, then redeploy?

Also, what are those benefits you describe? ???



I seem to be following another post exactly:

I followed your last step, and uninstalled the Avast Server client, and following another post I reinstalled Avast client using the executable.

I have purchased the SBS 2003 license with 6 users.

Two questions:

  1. All but the server are showing in green now in the ADNM console, the others show that the license key is not sufficient for them. How do I fix this?

  2. How do I configure the different Plug-ins in the server client now that it is managed?

One more note to add to this:

I noticed this tonight, the running “providers” does not match the installed “providers”, most important, the plugins!

Waiting Providers: OUTLOOK

??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Anyone out there willing to help me? I sent an email to customer support, but have not gotten a response from them either…

Hi, and sorry for the delay.

The principal question is, what does your license file show?
And is it installed on the management server? (use AMS Maintenance Tool to verify).

Because, you said “I have purchased the SBS 2003 license with 6 users.” - so is it the “SBS SUITE” license, or just the SBS itself? Please note that the SBS license itself does not cover the clients, that’s what the SBS SUITE is for…

noticed this tonight, the running "providers" does not match the installed "providers", most important, the plugins!

That depends on the On-access scanner task in use. Please check its properties - are the providers enabled? (ADNM Console → Tasks → On-access Scanning tasks)

(next time - please don’t mix topics together - i.e. if you have another question, please start a new topic)


Well, the reason I kept it all in one post, is because I was following the same problem from another post.

Anyhow, keeping with the first. From the SBS 2003 page:

“avast! 4 SBS Edition is licensed “per client” not “per server” in the similar manner the Microsoft sells the SBS itself.”

We bought the 6 client standard license, since we do not have ISA.
The license IS installed through the AMS Maintenance Tool.

ADNM is free, with one license installed of the server edition.

Why do I need the suite? Why did all of this seem to work fine, but then I uninstalled the server edition and tried to reinstall the managed server edition, it started balking at my licenses? Finally, how do I deploy the managed version of the SBS, which I definitely have a valid license for (it is showing with the key in the icon, and I can’t deploy to it).

If I do need the suite, can I change what I have now, and just upgrade for an additional price? Please put me in contact with someone who can help me.

I apologize for the problems.

Avast SBS Edition provides protection for the SBS machine only (the server only), as is clearly stated e.g. on its product page .

Of course, our sales team will be glad to help you arrange “upgrade” to the SBS SUITE. Please write to and they should get back to you in 12-24 hours.

Anyway, back to the problems you’re having. I’m not sure in which state your installation currently is, really. In your last post, you e.g. said that the following providers are installed “STANDARD,OUTLOOK,NS,JSCRIPT,IM,P2P,SMTP2000,EXCH2000,MSPROXY,WS” but this implies that the managed product is already installed (and showing in the console)… So, could you please recap the current situation?


Thanks for the quick replies!

OK, currently, I have uninstalled everything, then reinstalled ADNM. Installed the licenses through ADNM.

While I now understand why all the clients have “keys” in the console of “Clients without Agent” in ADNM, the server is also shown with a key. I have not installed the server as of yet. I am in need of your advice on why it is showing as a key in the console (meaning no license for it) and hence not able to be deployed to.

Also, what are the benefits of using the managed server client versus just installing it using the SBS client software?

Thanks Vlk.

The license file probably only shows license for 1 computer (the SB server). Therefore, the avast management server picks one of the machines in the catalog (pretty much randomly, because it has no way to find out which of them is the “right” one) and shows it gray (=> no agent installed). The rest of the machines is shown with the key - i.e. license overdue.

If you only want to manage the server, I’d recommend to delete all other machines from the Catalog (except for the server itself). Thus, you’ll ensure that there’s no license overdue reported (i.e. no “keys” shown).

As about the benefits of using the managed NetServer instead of the regular Server Edition. Of course, if you only want to manage that ONE machine, the advantages are almost negligible (or it may be even more hassle to use the ADNM). The importance of the ADNM grows with the number of machines you want to manage. Simply said, it’s a tool that makes management of ANY NUMBER of machines as simple as if there were only a couple of them. The system can scale up to tens of thousands of clients, and in such cases, management without it would probably be a nightmare.


First VLK, I would like to comment on how well you answer questions when you are able to get to them. I understand there are quite a few, and appreciate your help. Avast is a great product, with very good support.

OK, to my problem. You were right, deleting all computers in the console except the server worked, the server turned to Grey.

For some reason, when I tried to deploy the Server client from ADNM, it is stuck on “Waiting”. Two questions stem from this:

  1. I can install the managed client using the server option, but how do I know the correct plugins will be installed (i.e. Exchange, Sharepoint, etc…)

  2. Let’s say I install as stated above, when other computers are rediscovered via the auto task
    a. will the server license stay in tact?
    b. what’s to say I won’t have to do the same to each and every client (that would be a pain)?
