Adobe Flash for Avast SafeZone Browser

Hi there Avast!

One more thing is, that most users will appreciate to not do much on their own. One way that Google Chrome gets soo many downloads is because it is soo simple. I must say that Avast SafeZone Browser have the design as an unicorn! It is beautiful, simple and smooth. I love that part. What I just found out, is that when you have Avast SafeZone Browser you will have to download Adobe Flash manually on your PC before you can run Flash application on the Avast SafeZone Browser. I would really like if that becomes automatic as well.

  • Best Regards bilbodog (Casper Thomsen)

I don’t think it will gonna happen.
Flash is history.
Adobe is not developing it anymore.
It is time to replace flash applications with HTML5.


cuando intento abrir algun video, me dice que tengo que instalar flah player, en google chrome no me pasa, alguien puede decirme como instalar flahs en el navegador de avast


this is a English forum.

We do not plan to bundle Flash player with the browser. However we have added new notification offering flash player in to the the next browser version. So users can download flash player more easily if they want it.