Advanced WindowsCare v2 Personal

1 Click Per Day. Advanced WindowsCare v2 Personal is a comprehensive PC care utility
that takes an one-click approach to help protect, repair and optimize your computer.
It provides an all-in-one and super convenient solution for PC maintenance and protection.
This fantastic program is available free of charge.

AdvancedWindowsCare2.1.0PersonalSetup.exe is also available from MySharedFiles :slight_smile:

This is part of the install information:

The first thing you’re asked to do when running the program is to create a restore point.
Next, I suggest that you do an update to it’s data base.
Here’s a screen shot after a completed scan. All recommended fixes have been applied for
this test.

Next comes a reboot. . . .

System Rebooted without any problems. Didn’t have a stopwatch running but it seemed to be faster
than usual. It definitely cleaned out a lot of accumulated garbage.
Will take a few days to find out if anything is affected.
At this point, I’d have to give this program a friendly thumbs up and consider it a keeper. :slight_smile:

Is any one using this product? Have you tried any other products from this company?
Comments please.

I’ve been using it since the first Beta and it has got better the only niggle I have with it is it keeps deleting the custom file cleaning in crap cleaner. (ZA tvdebug log a monster)

My experience posted here: