Adware NSIS Wajam undetected

We are unable to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a permanent error; Below is the list of recipients and the reason why we were unable to deliver your message.
Machine ID: atlas-20-11 Failed recipient(s): Error message: 552 5.3.4 Error: message file too big

was submitted for both and again and hope mistake not come back again.





This browser hijacker adware often finds a way into your browser piggy-backing via an install of a free program, cracks, fake flash up programs etc., later you will get irritating pop-ups with `Ads by Wajam´. It often comes installed during an install while your AV tool stays unaware of that unwanted program. So always pay good intention what you are installing onto your computer.
Wajam should be uninstalled as a program and asan app and as a browser extension. AdwCleaner also does a good job of uninstalling this crap completely, but preferably you should do this under the guidance of a qualified malware remover, we have various persons that would like to help you here on the forum. DrWeb´s pre-link checker detects this Ads by Wajam. Hopefully Avast in pup-mode will come to detect this as well, as should AOS.



Unfortunately avast have few signatures to adwares and spyware(much less) detection, since version 5.0 it uses the same engine for PUPs detection without changes or improvements, potentially unwanted detections are enabled.The computer was not affected, the simulation of the installation was program Youtube Downloader HD done within SandBoxie before running the main machine.

Hi jefferson sant,

Avast is my first line of defense. But I take no risks whatsoever, and it has been an awful long time ago I have browsed without a decent adblocker, like uBlock, inside the browser.
Also use uMatrix as a tool to block whatever I wanna have blocked from a website to keep me secure.
Also like some pre-checking, so a combination of AOS, Bitdefender´s TrafficLight and DrWeb link.checker extensions do that job for me.
