WOT does not like it: https://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/secserv.adtech.de?utm_source=addon&utm_content=popup
For info on one of the latest Angler involved malvertising campain, read: http://www.cyphort.com/malvertising-spike/#more-2674
The re-writing taking place on HTTPS:// Everywhere: https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere/atlas/domains/adtech.de.html
See that the target hosts there were also used in the malvertising Angler targeting campain!
<!-- Complications: --> <target host="-aka-cdn-ns.adtech.de"/> <target host="a-d.dc2.adtech.de"/></blockquote>
-secserv.adtech.de going to a bad zone: see on the main domain, seems OK: http://www.dnsinspect.com/adtech.de/1438092520
Current status is unreachable? Unable to properly scan your site. Site empty (no content): Content-Length: 0
Error: Server Error
The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.
Please try again in 30 seconds.See recent report on the malcode: http://urlquery.net/report.php?id=1438093142331
and http://urlquery.net/report.php?id=1435867207188 for the adlink served up by -adserver.adtech.de,
German–American digital marketing company.Angler is the Cybercriminal Exploit Kit by Choice and very, very hard to detect by AV.
Malvertising with Angler infections gonna form a major problem, keep your adblockers sharp - polonus uses uBlock Origin combined with the Adquard Adblocker extension, an absolute must to get protection against malvertisers.polonus