I’m using Gmail for my work and there’s no way I an get into my mailbox now that I’ve downloaded Avast. I chose to take to offer of trying the full version for the next 20 days. Could that be it? I was told that Avast was one of the best but now I regret that I downloaded it. Could not find any answers to this problem and I hope to filnd help here. I’m not a PC expert and English is not my mother tongue so if it can be explained in easy to understand language how to change settings to get acces to Gmail, I would very much appreciate that. Thanks.
how do you access your gmail?.. do you go to gmail.com and logg in or do you use a mail program?
what antivirus did you use before installing avast?
did you remove it before installing avast?
Hi , I go to Gmail.com and login normally. I get a window saying that the cause could be that cookies are not accepted or that they are blocked.
Before I used AVG free version.
…and on this new pc there was a trial version of Mc Affee but I removed that and downloaded Avast. Before I removed Mc Affee I had acces to Gmail as always, no problem.
you may have some leftover files that conflict…
run AVG and McAfee removal tools then reboot
Thanks Pondus, will do that.
I just noticed that the address says – https://accounts.google.com/CookieMismatch –
could that mean a conflict with earlier removed leftovers from software?
not sure but you should always run removal tool before installing new AV
i have to go to bed now…will check back tomorrow and see how you do
Ran the removal tool and restarted. Same problem. The address bar says : https://accounts.google.com/CookieMismatch
I have no idea how to make this pc accept cookies from Gmail.
Need some sleep as well.
Thanks for your help. Good night.
What Avast! and version ?
What Windows, Spk, and Bit ?
What Browser IE, FF, Chrome,…?
The latest Avast version free , where I accepted the trial of the fullversion for 20 days.
Windows 7, Browser Firefox.
It has something to do with Cookies, but it does not accept Gmail cookies, or does not remember them. And I don’t know how to change that.
Open FF option and in the pravacy tab make sure you have “Acept cookies”.
Hi Marcelino, I’ve just recently been solving gmail login problems (on a computer with no avast though). What finally helped was deleting all the cookies from google domain.
Please see here:
Hi Lukor,
Strangely enough I managed to get into my mailbox byclicking in the history list on an earlier google address (before I downloaded Avast). This worked so I don’t feel like deleting history as this is the only way until now to get acces to my emails.
I’ve cookies accepted in Privacy but still no result :-/
Still lost here.
Hi, cookies != history, different things.
Hi, I still can not get into my google agenda for example when I’m in mu Gmail.
Deleting cookies is not clear to me. It says that it will delete coockie hstory and I’m afraid that when I delete that, I no longer have acces to my Google mail. I need it desparately for my work, so …
how to go about?
Please…just delete the cookies…your problem will go away. Deleting cookies has absolutely no negative affect on your browsing/webmail experience whatsoever.