After avast free updates Win 7 has lots of problems

I have noticed lately every time Avast free does a program update, once my PC restarts its got all sorts of problems. Sometimes it wont complete start up. It will run very slowly and seems to cause major speed problems with my internet connection too. If I uninstall it everything works fine. If its a program clash I dont know what it would be. Im running 64 bit win 7 with nothing on C drive except operating system, Avast, spybot S&D and Microsoft office. All other programs, games etc are on external drives. Ive been using avast for years and love it but after its latest program update I just cant get my system to work except in safe mode. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as im antivirus free at the moment

first i would replace SpyBot with Malwarebytes. there is several issues posted about avast and spybot conflicts…mostly the tea timer

SpyBot once a good program in the early days of spyware but not up to todays malware. They release a small update once a week…malwarebytes can have 10 in a day

what antivirus did you have beforte installing avast?
have you uninstalled it?
have you run the vendors removal tool to be sure all leftover files that may conflict are gone?

I just sorted out a similar problem. It turned out to be a conflict between the latest version of Avast! and the latest version ofthe Zone Alarm firewall. I installed an older version of ZA,
ZoneAlarm version:
TrueVector version:
Driver version:
and all the problems disappeared. If you search the forum for “Zone Alarm” you will discover, as I did, that Avast! and ZA have a long and rich history of incompatibility.

If you’re not running ZA, look at what other anti-badstuff software you may have that could conflict.

OK. First to Pondus. I dont use teatimer in spy bot but tried as you suggested and replaced with malwarebytes. No difference. Ive been using avast for that long i honestly cant remember what I used before that. Norton maybe? I have uninstalled avast severl times and yes I have used the tool to get rid of any left over stuff that didnt leave during the uninstall.

To BrunSteve. I dont use zone alarm anymore. Have been using online armor. I have tried turning it off but again no difference. I use mozilla firefox (latest version) and all has been great until a avast program update a few months ago when all this started. If I uninstalled and reinstalled avast it used to solve the problem but doesnt anymore. There is no other antibad stuff that I use