All was fine … then auto update. Now Avast errors out with “Can not protect outbound mail due to conflict with Port 25”. Port 25 is the Outlook port. I am running 2K with a PIII processor. Only other new software is Macromedia Fireworks and I find no conflict there
Actually this is a new feature in the latest update - it warns you that there is a problem. Otherwise, you wouldn’t know.
The problem is that another program in your system is already listening on port 25. Only one program can do this at a time. And because this is how the Internet Mail provider works (by default), it gives you a warning that it can’t do its job.
It may be worth trying to find out which program is taking up the port. Don’t you have a mail server software on this box? A mail proxy? A security filter? For instructions on how to find out the name of the process that has allocated the port, please see my post here:;action=display;threadid=539 .
Hope this helps,
Thank you. I will check, but I believe my ftp uses that port, but it only uses it when active. That is why I originally ignored it.
FTP? Hardly. I really doubt FTP would ever want to listen on port 25, which is traditionally reserved for SMTP (e-mail) traffic.