after scanning options ..

hi all ,
I’m ready glad to this security corporate for its great ,rapidly growing and developing -in term of its capabilities- antivirus …
but there’s something I wish that avast can add it to its scanning options , which is either you can keep the computer turned on/off after scanning . Really this feature is worthy to consider …
thanks for your efforts all … take care :slight_smile:

really glad *** :P:P sry all

......, which is either you can keep the computer turned on/off after scanning .......
It is already there ;)
[b]Wake-up/Scheduled scanning[/b]

Schedule scanning at night or whenever you don’t need to use your PC.

Well in the scheduled scanning options this option is already there.

From the avastUI, Scan Computer, Scan Now, select the scan it is you want to run, click More details, Settings, Scheduling and check the Shut down the system after the scan finishes.

See attached image, let me know if you can see it as I’m having issues attaching images ?