After Splash Screen Simple User i/face doesn't show

When I right click on the avast icon, and select “Start Avast! antivirus” the usual splash screen shows, and the test runs as normal. Then a thing shows in my taskbar stating there should be a window open called avast! “Simple User Interface” but it’s no where to be seen.

I want to run a boottime scan but don’t know any other way to do it, other than from in here.

Any help on this issue, would be appreciated.


You could try running the following command

C:\Program Files\ALWIL Software\Avast4\sched.exe /A:*

Use ALT+TAB to bring the interface to front…
Or use C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashSimp2.exe the skinless application if you have further troubles with the interface.

You could also try launching the Simple User Interface directly, this doesn’t start with a memory check and once there you should be able to schedule the boot-time scan.

Try running C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashSimpl.exe or use the skinless version as Tech mentioned. Let us know if you can run these files to open the SUI.

Thanks for your replies. Sorry I haven’t been able to get back for a little while.

I don’t understand how to run oldman’s command…I’m a bit simple…lol

Alt Tab didn’t work (which I’m a bit happy about…how embarrassing might that have been??)

The ashSimpl.exe file wont work, it does the same thing as the original file.

The ashSimp2.exe file has however worked. So I shall access it this way until I have an opportunity to re-install avast soon.

Many thanks again, and if you need me to try anything else fyi, just let me know.


Start button > Run > “C:\Program Files\ALWIL Software\Avast4\sched.exe /A:*”
If you’ve installed avast in the default folder C:\Program Files\ALWIL Software\Avast4\

Can you try to repair your installation?
Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > avast! antivirus > Remove. Then choose Repair function in the popup window (Repair). You must be connected to the internet while repairing.

Indeed, if this does not help, can you uninstall / boot / install / boot again?

As Tech mentions you may ultimately need to reinstall avast, if necessary following his steps.

As there have recently been a number of program updates it might be best to download the latest version of avast and save it to your HDD, somewhere you can find it again. Use that when you reinstall.

Reesa, do you use any firewall or other “similar” applications? (anti-spyware, behavior blockers, …)

Start button > Run > "C:\Program Files\ALWIL Software\Avast4\sched.exe /A:*" If you've installed avast in the default folder C:\Program Files\ALWIL Software\Avast4\
I tried this...neither option worked
Can you try to repair your installation? Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > avast! antivirus > Remove. Then choose Repair function in the popup window (Repair). You must be connected to the internet while repairing. step...

I will download the latest version as suggested by David which should ultimately fix the problem. I just hoped it might have been a quick fix. But never mind.

Posted by: igor Posted on: 17 January 2007, 01:35:15 Insert Quote Reesa, do you use any firewall or other "similar" applications? (anti-spyware, behavior blockers, ...)
I have Spyware Dr, and use Xoftspy on occasions, but have used these programs for quite some time which has not had any effect in the past. Oh and Admuncher which I have also had for some time.

Many thanks to everyone for their support and patience with my lack of computer knowledge :wink:

Since you are doing a uninstall\reinstall, you may as well use the removal tool as well.

Download it to your desk top from here
(download both avast and the tool before uninstalling)

Uninstall through add\remove
run the tool by double clicking the program on your desk top
don’t forget to update

Thanks Oldman and everyone else…all done and problem fixed.

Many regards,

You’re welcome. Glad to help and good to see that all is well now.

Well, in my opinion Xoftspy is not a program to be installed in a good computer…

[i]Note on XoftSpy: XoftSpy was listed on this page because of concerns with false positives (1, 2, 3, 4), questionable license terms, and the use of aggressive, deceptive advertising (1, 2), including exploitation of the name “spybot” by affiliates. Earlier versions of XoftSpy were also Ad-aware knockoffs. (There was clone of XoftSpy named SpyBurn, but that application is no longer available.)

Over the past few months, XoftSpy has taken aggressive steps to reign in its affiliates (who were primarily responsible for the unsavory advertising), revised its license text, and released a new version of XoftSpy (version 4.0) that addresses our concerns with false positves. Given these changes we can no longer regard XoftSpy as “rogue/suspect” anti-spyware.


(Note: other domains associated with XoftSpy include:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [A: 6-26-04 / U: 12-7-04] [/i]

For me, not an application that we can trust.

Glad we could help.

I echo Tech’s advice on xoftspy, whilst it has been de-listed at spywarewarrior there are plenty of other anti-spyware applications without the suspect chequered history. There is even a list of trustworthy applications on the same page,