After update to v. 18.5.2342 > white user interface/"UI Failed to load"

After updating to version 18.5.2342 I usually get a white user interface. But one time I got an error message “UI Failed to load…” with a detailed information: “{“protectionColor”:“green”, “cookie”:”“,“module”:“MainLayout”,“view”:“default”}”. I’ve done all the troubleshooting attempts, that are published in this forum an on the internet, without success. What can I further do fixing this issue?

I have got an similar problem. The UI is white and I cannot get around it. It starts like that everytime.
I have got this solution sent to me here on the forum but it did not work. Maybe it will work for you?
Good luck

Hi Peter, I tried also this, but without success. I tried almost everything, also Avastclear amongst other. And I have monitored the setup of the Avast Antivirus Free with Total Uninstall, for example. Afterwards I removed the Avast Antivirus Free with Total Uninstall. But notthing has helped…


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