After Updating from Avast Home to Avast Pro 4.8 Win.Internet Explorer became slo

Hi Folks,

I cannot search topics here at the moment because:
After updating from Avast Home to Avast pro 4.8 my Internet Explorer (8.0) became incredible slow. The building of a page is taking 30 … > 90 sec now. ??? There is sometimes a short message visible from Avast script blocker, but not always.
Before the update it worked at normal/know speed (about 1 [Text]…max ~7 [lots of pics]sec). Operating system is WINOWS XP home edition.
Description: after clicking a page - nothing - than the ball turns - break - blank page(big break) - turns again - page comes very slowly. Backwards the same.

Tried paralell my AOL-Shell - that browser works at normal speed; as known before.

Virus search works as known, the data at it’s start seemed to be new.

What has gone wrong?

Cheers, Frank

P.S. Two icons on the desktop have an error message too, dont know which one. Possibly avast, because they are the last.

We will need more information to be able to help you:

  • Do you use a firewall? Which one?
  • Do you have any other antivirus installed in your system? Did you have in the past?
  • Any other security programs that could interfere?

Windows own firewall.
No other antivirus.
No, never happend before.
There is Ad-aware2008; Windows Defender

Just made a test, so you can imagine the time:
→ from your startpage - > to buy-desktop-antivirus-solutions: time a little more than 20 sec.
→ Back: not one second.
→ Again: to buy-desk… (navigaton bar) not one second;

All clear: I’ve got just a bench of automatical Windows-Updates (about 10 or so), and after restart the Windows internet browser is working now at normal/known speed.

Welcome FrankO

Check for a yellow shield with a ! in the taskbar notification area (lower right) that signifies an update is in progress.

Hi Kenny,


Well, I have had this morning the message “New Updates are…” and the yellow shild (left it manual). I confirmed it, and after the upload and the restard my trouble where gone. I have had that discibed trouble yesterday evening, after the avast upate into Avast-pro.
Possibly there are different uploads for different security prg’s - I’m guessing??

I had never any kind of trouble with Avast before - not a nut.

Hello Folks,

having that trouble again, please have a look at my first post! :frowning:
It firstly happend after updating avast, never before.

I changed my provider inbetween, until than it worked fine. Now I’ve the same trouble again. New Modem, new provider software of course. New IP: do not know, but I think so.
Of course I tried an Windows Update like last time again, but this time it wasn’t getting better.

Did a speed test, the results where ~OK (the old line infrastructure of the village considered, but I did know that). ~4x faster than before.
I did the test several times, and sometimes the upload speed was very slow ~5kbit/sec (~1% of usual). Maybe that’s a hint.
Ping is OK; about 30…35 ms.

Again the symtoms (Win Explorer 8):
If I change a page, it takes about 8…10 seconds before I see the green bottom indicator - than slowly it moves to 100% while building the page. That issue takes 30 … 90 sec. The avast ball turns - break (several seconds) - turns again - breaks ect.
Before there where no visible breaks at that ball.

At the moment I have no idea of any direction to seach. Possibly deactivating of all Avast- functinons? Risky, I know.

Just tested with the old AOL-shell (different IP!!!), browsing is running at known speed.

No one any ideas?

WIN-Internet explorer extrem slow. (Provider 1)

AOL-Shell (Browser too) at normal speed. (Provider 2 - was only a Test, normaly deactivated/closed)

More facts 1 post above

Can you activate logging in WebShield?
0. (Disable avast self-defense module: Program settings > Troubleshooting tab of settings.)

  1. Edit \data\avast4.ini file with Notepad (or use step 0 with other text editors).
  2. Find the section [WebScanner]
  3. Add the line:
  4. Restart Web Shield in XP\Vista (terminate and start again) or whole PC in case of Win98
  5. Browse (trying to access some webpages)

The log file are \data\log\ashwebsv.log and
They would be accessible when WebShield is terminated again.
Post them here or send by mail to rypacek (at)
After that, disable the logging to avoid a big log file.

Oh, enable the self-defense module again after that if you have to follow step 0.

It is XP.

tried to find that (I’ve German Vers,:slight_smile: ->avast self-defense module: Program settings > Troubleshooting tab of settings, not found → so I closed/switched off every single activated Module. The Ball appears with a (red blocked) sign.
Tried to add at [web scanner] what you wrote: no authorisation to overwrite this file avast4.ini (go to Admin., but as a single user I am)- (I thougt so seriously, it would be to easy for…).

All protection modules are closed at the moment → no improvement at browsing, possibly somthing resident left?

No… Are you sure the problem is not on browser or the Internet connection?
With avast disabled, no avast component should interfere?
Which is your firewall, by the way?

No, I’m not sure; I’m trying to exclude one by one the problem. All i can say at the moment is: the problem was firstly after the Avast update. Than I had a Windows update at August 12th, and those trouble where gone after the restart (at provider 2=AOL).
On Tuesday this week I changed to provider 1 =Alice an the trouble where back again.
At the moment I try to exclude, logically at that point I remembered from August 12th.

Like I wrote above, the firewall is the Windows own. I switched it off 1x yesterday too - no improvement.

Add a thought of mine:
I made an automatical update from A- home to A-pro. Is it possible, that there is an old file of A-home left, what bothers me?
I have had years ago that issue from Norton, needed several routines to kill all that stuff hiding at several areas on drive C: ? I really hope not!!!

Just to be sure… start on step 2 if you already done 1 a long time ago.

  1. Remove NAV or Norton 360 through Add/Remove programs from Control Panel. Boot.
  2. Use Norton Removal Tool for Windows 2000/XP/Vista or Norton Removal Tool for Windows 98/Me. Boot.
  3. Install avast! (or repair the installation) and boot.

The Norton Removal Tool uninstalls all Norton 2008/2007/2006/2005/2004/2003 products and Norton 360 from your computer.

That Norton chapter is a memory of the past. BTW, it’s not only one Tool! Or has not been in 2004.

I have found that Option you ment, I will do now. Right click on the Ball - in that options, options “Error threatment” to be precise
Explore meanwhile de.- and new installed

I tested several sites:

It run pretty fast at the first ~ 20 seconds, than it slowed down extrem to the same trouble than before. The ball is light- grey at the moment.


So, I have to give an “all clear signal”.

Late in the evening I had enough of trials and deinstalled Avast - Pro. But neither improvement without it.
So I’m having to excuse for my suspiction.

It seems to be a software connection pblm to the modem - at the moment no idea about what, I’ve no data access to the modem options - so far.
The provider hotline is realy great, I could just as well talk with my neighbour about the pblms. he has neither knowlege about PC and network, but we could have a beer instead. >:( >:( “Anyhow, anyway ect.” where most used words by a phonetalk and “not our guilt” (Automatic installation without any querys but the PW). I will not stay long with them.

So many thanks to all - specially to “Tech” - who tried to help me with it. (BTW: Sorry too for my meanwhile rusty English).


You’re always welcome.
Feel free to come back any time you need help or just to change experiences 8)

I would suspect IE8, I’ve known a lot of people that have trouble with it and the trouble is gone after uninstalling it and getting back to 7.

I know lots of people that have no trouble with IE8.
I know lots of people that do not know how to set up IE that have trouble with it though.

IE8 uses more memory and each tab runs in its own memory space isolating them from each other.
IE8 has Protected Mode in Vista.

Increased performance
Stay Safer Online


sorry guys it’s not IE8. I installed Firefox too a few days ago, ist faster, but I have that “minute’s silence” with Firefox or any downloads too. It’s a connection failure to the modem, I suppose, but I’ve no access to the modem options at the moment. Normaly at it’s network adress one get - more or less - access to the opitons. I can’t adress it (no connection). I can see my IP and an unusual Sub-Mask ??? , that’s it. It should be a router to (on can see at it’s conectors), but I can’t say actually how far it has got castrated.