I’m writting free android adware based apps such as Net.Rummy : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.rami&hl=en
Of course as it is an ad based app, i pay a lot of attention to my users experience using the game, which means that i’m only using small banners and a few permissions as possible.
In other words even if an ad sdk provides fullscreen, icon, push or video ads i’ll not implement them at all, moreover i’m not using extended and/or recommended set of permissions to facilitate users location to be able to get more money for ads… In other words, i’m pleased to get money from ads for my application but i will not kill user experience just to get more $$$ …
That said, some users are now reporting that avast is detecting my apps as aggressive adware… and invite them to uninstall application, which is an important issue on my concern…
So from the developer point of vue, how do you consider that an app is ‘agressive adware’ ?? Just asking to fix the problem!!
1- Is there any list of Ad Networks that are considered as ‘agressive’ ? For instance i’m only using 3 networks: Admob , Millennial Media and Mopub which i think are quite respectable and wellknown networks.
2- Are you also considering that the use of particular permissions are throwing a free app into the agressive adware trash bin ?
3- Are there special programmatic requests such as getting unique identifier, Mac address etc that turn a free peaced app into a suspicious ‘aggressive’ and potentially psychopatic dangerous app?
Is it possible to have a clear answer about this ? i guess that there are a lot of free app developers who are listed as ‘aggressive’ while they’re not.
Thank you.