
I’m so confused.

I uninstalled all the virues… I got rid of the infected files…
And now…

Internet Explorer, AIM, Windows Media Player, and Search do not work!

Kazaa K++, too…

And Avast. It says something about an “ActiveX component”

But the message I’m getting for all these programs is:


App Name: All the files listed above
ModName: ahasrc.dll
ModVer: 4.1.389.0

And then it says something about the file named

What’s this mean!?
Where do I find this file? Why does it keep shutting off??

What’s “ahasrc.dll”

I’m so lost…


please be more specific → post (1 or more examples of) the exact error messages here

also list the exact virus names found earlier, and their locations: full path/folder/filennames; see avast Report/log or WIN’s event-log for this info

Maybe just the extension for .EXE or .DLL-files was changed by a virus
→ try the Cleaner from www.avast.com ; read the instructions on renaming the extension/the file FIRST

have you tried booting in SafeMode (F8-Boot) and scanning with avast then ? or repairing avast via Control panel Software/programs uninstal avast-> repair ?
