Aim spam, virus?

I use aol instant messenger, lately i’ve been getting messeges like this from different screen names:

SilvieRoaioudo: Hi, I just saw your profile, My Name is Sylvie, 18 from Michigan, Just wondering if you might want to chat sometime. I have some pics on my page if you want to check it out, do you have any pics I can see? Here is the page, www=Sylvie=ru=tf (replace the = with a Dot or period so you are able to go to the site, sign my profile please!)

i get them from different screen names but with the same messeges, i never gone to the site in the messege.

Anybody else getting messeges like this in aol instant messenger?


I don’t use AIM, but I used to get similar messages using Yahoo! Messenger…

Just ignore them, and never ever reply to those messages… that way you will just confirm that you’re “alive” and ready to accept millions of other stupid messages just like those you already received…

Also, never click on those links you get.

Simply, just ignore them completely. :wink:

I hope this helps a bit !

Cheers !

If you’re recieving spam from aim, block the sn or give them a warning. It could be a auto-response from the user who wants people to visit their website.