Allowing specific browser to bypass Avast webshield.

I normally use one browser for general use and another browser for watching films which is speed capped using Netlimter Pro3. (to stop auto quality sites streaming in HD at peak times).

Obviously with avast webshield proxying all my web access I can’t limit just one browsers speed.

Is it possible to make browser#2 connect directly and not go through avast. I’m not going to need such protection on these websites anyway.

Thanks for any info.

Since it sounds like there are a limited number of websites that you do not want scanned by Web Shield you can do the following. Open avast! and go to “Real Time Shields”. Click on Web Shield then click on Expert Settings. Go to Exclusions and exclude the websites you do not want to be scanned by Web Shield. See if that works for you.

That’s not quite what I wanted but you made me realize that you can also exclude specific browser processes from being scanned which is exactly what I did want.

Thank you very much, now I don’t need a separate VM for watching films. 8) 8)