allways quatantaine


How can i choose the option that all the virus will go in quarantine? Is it possible

tanks, bye

It entirely depends on what type of scan detects it.
So when are the detections made, on-access/on-demand, that you are hoping to do this ?

The home version is also limited in what it can do, so what version do you have home/pro ?

Personally my own feeling on this is you should use the default interactive action. This way you know exactly what is going on with your system. If you are getting so many warnings, that you want to automate this process, I believe you should review your security practice - filter emails at source, delete from server rather than download them, review the sites they visit, etc.

ok, I have the PRO version. I ask this because my AVAST is doing a scan of all the computer, so each time he found a virus, he ask me what to do so I can not do other thing that stay on the computer?


I have the Home version so I can’t be too much practical help.

You need to be using the Enhanced User Interface and create a task, from here you can set actions, see the avast help file for more detailed information.

Is this the same file and location all the time ?

What is the infected file name, where was it found e.g. (C:\windows\system32\ ?
Check the avast! Log Viewer (right click the avast ‘a’ icon), Warning section, this contains information on all avast detections.

Configure the Virus tab of settings of the Task you’re running.
See picture here: