Alternative versions of Secureline??

I was reading a probably rather out of date review of secureline, here:

My evidence to suggest that it is out of date is simply that the price does not match the price asked by Avast,

More intriguing, however is the suggestion on the review page that there are two versions available: standard (PPTP /L2TP) and pro (OpenVPN). I see no evidence of choice in the “shop” area of Avast. Would I be right in assuming that the review page is out of date in this regard as well?

Can someone tell me in layman terms what is the difference between PPTP, L2TP and OpenVPN? Is there any way of checking which method is in use on my machine?

That is often the downside of reviews/tests.
They don’t mention date/time.

Another thing is the price(s) they mention.
They often say (example) $88,99
But what $ is it?
There are about 25 different type of Dollars in use.
Is it the $ used in the USA, Fiji, Suriname or… ?