Alwil - Any news regarding 3 new skins I sent you ?

I would really appreciate if I can get some feedback here… just to know how that process of releasing Silhouette_4in1, Black Vibe and Alienator skins goes…

Thanks in advance !
Regards !

I like this silence… not… :-\

Meanwhile… :wink:

For the Silhouette_4in1, it’s a wondeful skin to have, I enjoy it. The rest I never touch it yet. :slight_smile:

For the other two, you can go here and check: (Black Vibe)

and here: (Alienator)

Oh I remember that skin, who wouldn’t forget that? ;D (Black Vibe)

Now this one is wonderful, wonderful job. ;D

I suffer… I’m in love with Alienator!.. I WANT ALIENATOR!.. GRRRRRRR… when we can download Alienator? Is the absolute revolutionary skin by Sasha… I don’t know…
There’s no other AV with a similar interface. For me, Sasha was in a unique state of mind when he had this inspiration. Are we waiting for someone who will steal this idea for another software? What a unbelievable delay by Alwil…

@Fixer - this screenshots are updated (final version of the skin):

@Kamulko - yes, my friend… even I can not understand why this long delay. Skins are completely finished and fully working. Not a single error. Vlk found one small glitch on Black Vibe, but it was just cosmetic issue, nothing else. Anyway, I fixed that little problem in about 2 minutes and sent him that skin back immediatelly… now, it’s been almost 1,5 or 2 weeks since I sent him and still no answer… :o

My nightmare is that someone can use your beautiful ideas.

Hopefully, the kittens will wake up soon. :wink:

Still no answer for that long? Reminds me back when my old math teacher was grading our test for nearly a month and now I still didn’t get it back. Sheesh that’s soo long ago. I hope this dosn’t take that long to upload your skins. :slight_smile:

Hi, Newton! Happy to see you again here. ;D Awake the cats! The preferred activity of my cat is to sleep: only in the night she is perfectly awaked and run out from my home to explore the wood near my neighbors… ahahah…

I’m sure those kitties will wake up once sZc’s skins are uploaded and ready for downloading. :slight_smile:

Fixor, Im afraid this kittens will sleep for many times if SOMEONE don’t awake himself… ::slight_smile:

Oh I see… :-\

Yes, and I placed two other sleeping kittens in another thread, about another recent creation from Sasha. :slight_smile:

Now there are now four kittens sleeping. :wink:

Wow, so many new skins! I haven’t been paying attention. Sasha, these look great – though I have to tell you, nothing is likely to make me abandon Lite-on! (Then again, after looking at all these again, I don’t know ;D .) Thank you for your work. I like the way you put the image of Earth in the Black Vibe skin; I think that adds a great deal to it (and to lite-on). Can’t wait to try them out!

These threads are worth reading for the cats alone! Those are some beautiful photos of some beautiful kittens. I couldn’t believe the one sleeping in the coat-hangers! Thanks for sharing those.

Good things come to those who wait ;D

I’m happily using the Silhouette_4in1, that was a pre-release version.

I’m happy to wait if Alwil are busy doing the things that keep us safe and catching up with things after the USA trip. I’m sure they will get to it in order of priority.

Yes David you’re 100% right… but still… uploading of those skins shouldn’t take more than few minutes, and it’s a one man job. Other members of Alwil can deal with other more important tasks, like our security is…

I really checked all those skins million of times prior sending them to Vlk. He just noticed one small cosmetic glich, which I fixed in following two minutes and sent him that skin back immediatelly. Silhouette_4in1 you are using, is actually beta version, very very similar to final version of that skin. No problems at all, but I still advise you to download latest version when it’s released.

I really want people to try Alienator… it “feels” completely different on your desktop, and it’s one of the most polished skins I’ve ever done…

Cheers !

Hello… ;D

:‘( :’( :cry: